Budget Compromise to Expand Medicaid in Virginia
Please see the alert below from the Health Care for All Virginians Coalition that came in late yesterday regarding a possible compromise on the state budget. 

Call your state Senator today  and let them know that you support Medicaid expansion and a well resourced budget that allows our state to invest in vital services for the future.

The Senate is scheduled to reconvene tomorrow (Tuesday) and the House on Wednesday.

This evening, the Richmond Times-Dispatch  reported  that Delegate Chris Jones and Senator Hanger have agreed on a budget comprise to expand Virginia's Medicaid program, boost reserves and provide raises for teachers and state employees.

This is a significant breakthrough, but there is still a procedural hurdle that we must overcome in the Senate.

Please continue to   call your state Senator and let them know that you support Medicaid expansion and a well resourced budget that allows our state to invest in vital services for the future.

If you are in Richmond tomorrow, please join state advocates and many of our HAV partners for a rally for Medicaid expansion . The rally begins at noon and there will be various activities throughout the day.

    Thank you!

NOTE:  If you call your legislator, please let us know by using the  VBCF Advocacy Activity tracker. Thank you.  Questions: [email protected]
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