Q1 Newsletter | 2020
A message from Back2Front
The Back2Front team hopes that our clients and friends are staying well and keeping safe during these difficult times. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, and we are doing everything we can to support our clients as we all adjust to the new landscape we find ourselves in. We remain available to discuss any questions or changes you'd like to make, and we wish you and yours the best as always.
COVID-19: How your business can use your website to connect with your existing customers and offer services digitally
With the COVID-19 pandemic closing many storefronts across Canada, consumers are expanding the ways in which they shop. One of these ways is through a greater uptake of online shopping.

Generally e-commerce sales have increased, but some products and services such as groceries, medicine, convenience and subscriptions are doing better than others and have all seen dramatic traffic and sales growth in the new consumer environment. 

It goes without saying that a key, perhaps "the" key component of these sales increases is the availability of, and ease with which potential customers can find the products and services they need. Thus, your website and online presence is critical to reach your existing clients and potential new ones. So, what steps should a business take?

  • Keep your existing and potential clients informed of your business status

If your clients don't know that you're continuing to offer your services online, then it's possible that they'll look elsewhere for what you offer. Therefore, keeping your site visitors notified that they can still purchase from you is critical.

  • Notify visitors of the options available regarding product / service delivery

One of the new standards for companies is to offer contactless delivery or virtual services wherever possible. If you are offering these things, be sure to notify your visitors up-front about this so they don't wonder.

  • Leverage the use of social media to advertise to your target market

This is a common suggestion for all businesses - but with more people staying at home, the usage of social media channels is up nearly across the board. Instagram / Instagram stories, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and relative newcomers Twitch and TikTok have all seen usage increases during the COVID-19 pandemic. With such a wide variety of social media platforms, it's a near certainty that one will cater to your key demographic. Therefore, advertising your business on the right platform is an easy way to get your brand in front of your target market.

Back2Front is here to help you navigate the e-commerce landscape at all times - reach out to us at your leisure and we'd be happy to have a discussion with you about how to leverage the tools at your disposal in a consistent way to reach your target market.

Contact Us today!
"What about this for a post?" - The struggle for social media content
It should be clear by now that in 2020, for better or worse, social media is here to stay. The user base and usage numbers for social media channels continue to increase, and the amount of content needed for these users grows along with it. However, many businesses struggle to think of "what" they should be posting about to reach their target markets. 

Luckily, there are lots of resources available to businesses to help give them ideas on what to post. Yes, some of these lists will try to sell you their service, but even those can give you some great ideas. Here's a few that we're particularly fond of:

  • Sharing a picture of your workspace
  • Answering a common question you get from clients / leads
  • Sharing your most popular service / product
  • Customer interviews
  • Funny pictures (including animals is an easy way to get some positive reaction!)

Back2Front can help review your products and services and work with you to come up with post ideas to use on the social media channel best suited for your target markets. Contact Us and our team of experts will be happy to discuss the opportunities that exist for you!
Back2Front news

Back2Front is undergoing some changes behind the scenes!

The original owner is stepping away from the company, but we are continuing onwards as Back2Front Services Ltd. with Aaron (who has been with Back2Front for over 10 years) at the helm.

Outside of a change in the name on invoices, our customers shouldn't notice any differences moving forward. We're still committed to providing rapid response times and fully managed services. We'll keep being experts on the web so you can continue to focus on your business.
Earn Referral Rewards From Back2Front

Do you know anyone that isn't 100% happy with their current website?

Tell them about Back2Front and you could receive $100!

What makes Back2Front unique?
Ongoing care for your web site is critical to online success, but other web site providers rarely offer it as a core competency. At Back2Front, ongoing care is our specialty!

Are you using your company's web site to its fullest advantage? 

Call us at 1 888 227 9092 x 702, we can help you discover the best web based business tools for your company and improve your bottom line!

~ The Back2Front Team
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6 Janine Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M 3K3