April 13 , 2020
Find Your PEACE in Mary
The Miraculous Medal Shrine is Mary's home a haven of prayer and comfort. Visit us virtually and discover the resources that can help you during this difficult time. Most important, come and experience Our Lady's love. There is no social distancing from her.
FACES OF DEVOTION : Veronica's Miracle of Lazarus
Mary has not had an easy life. But in all of her trials, our Blessed Mother was by her side, comforting, strengthening, and guiding her even to the point of miraculous healings.
Read the beginning of the story at , and then watch this last amazing miracle. 
by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM, a resident of St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Philadelphia
Have your child or grandchild win our coloring contest. Click here to access a larger version of this comic to color. Send finished artwork to CAMM Communications, 475 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144. The top five best submissions will receive a free coloring book from The Shrine.
The St. Anthony of Padua, NJ, First Holy Communion class at the end of their fun, day-long retreat. Share your Marian devotion and Shrine photos with us on Instagram and Facebook .
The Paschal Candle is used during the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night and remains in the sanctuary during the Easter Season (it's lit each day throughout the Season for Mass).

The candle represents Christ, the Light of the world. The pure beeswax symbolizes His sinlessness; the wick, His humanity; and the flame, His Divine Nature. The five grains of incense embedded into the candle represent His five wounds (in His hands, feet, and side). Sometimes the incense is placed into wax nails embedded in the candle. The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet (Alpha and Omega) signify Christ is the beginning and the end.
It' s not too late to  give an Easter card to a loved one ,   and the Vincentians will pray for them and their intentions the seven weeks from Easter through Pentecost. 
The Miraculous Medal Shrine’s Gift Shop offers a variety of religious products, cards, books, and mementos.
This month we'd like to hear your thoughts about how your faith has sustained you during this pandemic.
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