Library news & updates
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The Importance of the Census:
March is census month, and the Library is here to help. Between March 12-20, you should get a mailer asking your household to take the census survey online. It will include a household-specific code to start the survey. You can do this at home and be all finished, or you can come to the Library where we will have at least one computer reserved specifically for this purpose. If you don't respond, you'll get a reminder letter. Then a postcard. After that, they'll mail another reminder with a paper questionnaire to fill in. After that, you'll get one final reminder before they start sending people to knock on doors.

PLEASE RESPOND to the census. There is no reason not to. None of your responses in the survey can be used against you or even linked to you personally. Statistics from the census are used to divvy out state and federal aid to communities, referenced when submitting grant applications, and looked at by any business considering moving into an area.

In 2010, Douglas had a 20% non-response rate. This has translated to 20% less state and federal funding, fewer (and smaller) grants, and lackluster appeal to potential commercial developers. Let's get our fair share in the next ten years. Take your census!

A Reminder About Regularly Scheduled Programming:
Every now and then we do something big at the Library and tons of people come. But I think people forget that we have awesome free stuff going on at the Library weekly and monthly. Here's a recap:


  • After school movies and popcorn for teens every Monday at 2:30pm.
  • Music and Movement sing-along and storytime every Tuesday at 1:00pm.
  • Knitting and Handicrafts in the Loft every Tuesday at 6:00pm
  • Free Yoga class every Thursday night at 7:00pm.


  • Young Readers Club (K-2) every first Tuesday at 3:30pm.
  • Reading to Hiro every first Thursday at 5:45pm.
  • Greatest Book Club Ever (adults) every first Thursday at 6:30pm.
  • Intrepid Readers Book Club (adults) every second Tuesday 6:30pm.
  • Book Wizards (grades 6-8) every second Thursday at 6:00pm.
  • Scifi Book Club every third Saturday at 10:00am.

Also keep an eye out for Deb's seasonal storytimes and Lego Clubs!
Building & Accessibility Renovation Progress:
The Library trustees have set our fundraising goal for making the Library accessible at $400,000. This amount should guarantee our ability to get a project past the finish line without debt exclusion funds. So far, we have 18.9% of the capital we need, committed from the following sources:

Building Donations:

INT Building Donations: $6,778.29

LIG/MEG Grants Reserved:

Regular Donations Reserved:

Trust Funds Reserved:

Help us get there! Donate here or at the Library, and then tell all your friends!

Brought to you by the Friends of the Simon Fairfield Public Library.