Highlights of the 12th International Family Nursing Conference
 The 12th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC12), August 18-21, 2015, attracted 458 participants from 31 countries to the charming town of Odense, Denmark-the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. A special thanks to members of the IFNA Conference Committee for their dedicated efforts to create a conference experience for our global family nursing community that was magical and inspiring:
Kathleen Knafl (co-chair, USA),
Janet Deatrick (co-chair, USA),
Regina Szylit Bousso (Brazil),
June Horowitz (USA), Beth Kassalen(USA), Hanne Konradsen (Denmark),
Jane Lassetter (USA),
Helene Moriarty (USA),
Birte Østergaard (Denmark),
Veronica Swallow (United Kingdom),
Marcia Van Riper (IFNA Board of Director Liaison, USA),
Debbie Zaparoni (USA)
Our time together was filled with multiple opportunities to engage and learn from one another (6 pre-conference workshops, 5 expert lectures, 3 special sessions, 243 podium and 165 poster presentations). We celebrated our international diversity with a flag ceremony and enjoyed the cultural heritage of Denmark as we explored Odense, Copenhagen, and the Danish countryside.
IFNC12 Welcome Reception at City Hall. Participants were greeted by HC Andersen and fairytale characters.
Wendy Looman (USA) managed the Conference App
Guidebook which featured interactive conference information and included a conference photo gallery. Check out the
IFNC12 photos uploaded by conference participants.
 The IFNA Education Committee launched a new initiative at IFNC12 to build a "Toolkit for Family Nursing Educators"
[Read more]
An IFNA video project was launched just prior to IFNC12 to increase the resources on the IFNA YouTube channel. There is still time for all IFNA members to get involved in this project.[Read more]
For more IFNA Education News
[Read more].
Dr. Suzanne Feetham introducing Dr. Stevan Weine
Three excellent keynote speakers offered perspectives at IFNC12 from their programs of research about family issues: Dr. Alison Metcalfe (United Kingdom), Dr. Stevan Weine (USA) and Dr. Kenneth J. Doka (USA). [Read more]
For more IFNA Research News
[Read more].
13th International Family Nursing Conference |
The 13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13), sponsored by IFNA, will be held in June 2017 in Pamplona, Spain. IFNC13 Conference Committee co-chairs for IFNC13 will be June Horowitz (USA) and Jane Lassetter (USA).
IFNA 2015 Award Recipients at IFNC12 with Dr. Kit Chesla, IFNA President
The first-ever 2015 IFNA Awards recognized 8 recipients from 6 countries. [Read more]
A special thanks to Debbie Zaparoni, IFNA office, who
is recognized for serving as the welcoming face, attentive hands, and warm heart of family nursing to our international family nursing community.
Check out the new Bibliography about Social Media and #FamilyNursing developed by the IFNA Communications Committee [Read more].
Several IFNA members were active on Twitter throughout IFNC12. Over a nine day period between August 15-23, 2015, there were 462 #IFNC12 tweets generated by 65 contributors resulting in an estimated reach of 48,700 accounts and an exposure of 256,106 impressions.
Please consider using the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #IFNAorg, #IFNC12