Roslyn Public Schools
March 22, 2020

Dear Roslyn Families,

I write to inform you that individuals have self-reported to the district that they have tested positive for COVID-19. These individuals were at Roslyn High School prior to school closing on March 13. While we have not been notified by any official agency, I am sharing this information just so that you are aware.

According to the CDC, symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. Please be sure to check the CDC website for all information pertaining to COVID-19. Anyone who is experiencing any symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing and fever are advised by health authorities to contact a physician.

Our medical director has informed us that many more cases will emerge which can be mildly symptomatic. It seems clear that COVID-19 is widely dispersed in the region at this stage, as the school district is not the only local entity that is hearing from individuals who have tested positive. It is imperative that anyone experiencing symptoms stay at home and call their health care provider.

Roslyn, we are in this together. Stay home, stay informed, and stay healthy.

Allison Brown

Roslyn's Coronavirus Information Page: 

New York State's Coronavirus Hotline: 1-888-364-3065.