Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
February Funding Focus Newsletter #2
What is a Limited Submission?
A limited submission solicitation (RFA, RFP, etc.) places a cap on the number of proposals that Auburn may submit to a sponsor. Auburn coordinates limited submissions by sending out a notification via this newsletter and creating competitions in the
Auburn University Competition Space
(also known as
).To apply to any limited submission posted below, click on the above link and search for your competition reflected on the page.
Please refer to the
Limited Submission Procedures
page for a list of requirements.
Limited Submission Announcements
The Breast Cancer Alliance invites clinical doctors and research scientists at any stage of their careers whose primary focus is breast cancer to apply for an Exceptional Project Grant. This award recognizes creative, unique and innovative research and is open to applicants at institutions throughout the contiguous United States. This is a one year grant for a total of $100,000.
Prior to submission of a formal grant proposal, a one-page Letter of Intent (LOI) and a separate CV is required for the internal competition. The LOI must contain the applicant’s name, job title and institution at the top of the page, and the applicant’s contact information. The document should state the project title and hypothesis, outline the research aim(s) and methods, and include a brief discussion of the project’s potential impact. The CV should be in the current NIH biosketch format.
As no LOI is required for the
Young Investigator Grants, the internal competition will be released later in the year.
Please note that the application for this internal competition differs from the standard.
Institutional Limit: 2 Letters of Intent
Internal Deadline: February 28, 2020,
RII Track-4 provides opportunities for non-tenured investigators to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation’s premier private, governmental, or academic research centers. During these visits, the EPSCoR Research Fellows will be able to learn new techniques, develop new collaborations or advance existing partnerships, benefit from access to unique equipment and facilities, and/or shift their research toward potentially transformative new directions. The experiences gained through the fellowships are intended to have lasting impacts that will enhance the Fellows’ research trajectories well beyond the award period. These benefits to the Fellows are also expected to in turn improve the research capacity of their institutions and jurisdictions more broadly. Those submitting proposals must either hold a non-tenured faculty appointment at an institution of higher education or an early-career career-track appointment at an eligible non-degree-granting institution.
Please note that this opportunity was previously announced in the November Funding Focus Newsletter #2.
Institutional Limit: 3 Proposals (1 Available Slot)
Internal Deadline: February 28, 2020, 4:45pm
The Office of Proposal Services & Faculty Support has pulled together and highlighted information about SciENcv in an effort to assist AU’s research community. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your
Contract Administrator
or College-level Designee.
Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is a new electronic system that helps researchers assemble the professional information needed for participation in federally funded research. SciENcv gathers and compiles information on expertise, employment, education and professional accomplishments. Researchers can use SciENcv to create and maintain biosketches that are submitted with grant applications and annual reports. SciENcv allows researchers to describe and highlight their scientific contributions in their own words.
What SciENcv does:
- Eliminates the need to repeatedly enter biosketch information
- Reduces the administrative burden associated with federal grant submission and reporting requirements
- Provides access to a researcher-claimed data repository with information on expertise, employment, education, and professional accomplishments
- Allows researchers to describe their scientific contributions in their own language
ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a non-profit registry of permanent researcher identifiers and their research products. Most scholars have run into issues with name ambiguity at one time or another, whether searching for articles by an author with a common name, authors who published under different variants of their name (including in other languages), or who changed their name. Sometimes even subtle changes, like whether you include a middle initial, can impact the ease with which scholars can find your work. ORCID aims to solve this problem by providing researchers with a unique ID (like a social security number for your scholarship).
ORCID's services are publisher-neutral and intended for scholars in any discipline, type of organization, or geographic location. You can include many forms of scholarship, from multimedia projects to patents to translations.
Auburn University and the Harrison School of Pharmacy will host the inaugural Center for Neuroscience Initiative Retreat, Feb. 28 at The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center.
Industry and academic professionals from the neuroscience field or those working with diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, Tay-Sachs, PTSD, ADHD, and others are encouraged to attend this one-day retreat that will feature leaders in the field from around the country.
Along with speakers and poster presentations, the day will cap off with a banquet and awards presentation with featured speaker Walt Woltosz.
The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center
When: February 28th
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas--photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration--with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.
The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cybersecurity, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges.
Topic Areas:
- Photovoltaics Hardware Research
- Integrated Thermal Energy STorage and Brayton Cycle (Integrated TESTBED)
- Innovations in Manufacturing: Hardware Incubator
- Solar Energy Evolution and Diffusion Studies 3 (SEEDS 3)
- Systems Integration
- Solar and Agriculture: System Design, Value Frameworks and Impacts Analysis
- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Solar Energy with Emphasis on Machine Learning
- Small Innovative Projects in Solar (SIPS): PV and CSP (LOI Due April 9, 2020, NO Concept Paper)
Mandatory Letters of Intent Due: March 9, 2020
Concept Papers Due: March 16, 2020
FWW Research Awards target early funding for small, short-term studies with promise for improving medical knowledge in cardiovascular disease, leading female cancers, the role of hormones in disease and stage-of-life health issues such as pregnancy and menopause and diseases disproportionately affecting women.
We favor research proposals that have direct clinical application in preventing and/or treating disease; studies with the promise of yielding results that will attract larger sources of funding for advancing study; and influencing long-term research directions in its field.
Research should be related to one of FWW's priority areas which include:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Leading female cancers
- Hormones' role in disease and stage-of-life health concerns
- Diseases or health concerns that disproportionately affect women
- Exploration of gender differences related to the aforementioned topics
Full Proposal Deadline: April 6, 2020
Reserve the Corner today for collaborative meetings, proposal development or to learn more about AU research resources.
The monthly flights on the AU shuttle connect faculty to other researchers or agencies to further their research goals.
AU PI Handbook, agency guides & more to help you write a successful proposal.
Auburn University subscription based funding service that provides faculty with funding opportunities pertinent to their research areas.
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
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