Newsletter 2 March 2020
Our office will remain open to serve you
As a society we are in uncharted territory. What do we do? First off, do not panic, this is temporary. It is important to stay calm and try to relax. Having more time at home gives us the opportunity to spend time with family, reconnect with loved ones. Even if you can’t visit your family, a phone call or FaceTime can be very rewarding.

Honestly, I am really appreciating the less stressful time right now. I enjoy cooking and have decided to pull out my German Cook Book and get back to my roots. Being that the weather is cold and rainy, hearty German Food is a welcome diversion of what is happening in the outside world.   My Gulash Suppe was a hit, now on to Sauerbraten , which takes 3 days to marinate. - Iris

Tea - to help build your immune system

I don’t have any magic cures, but having a healthy immune system helps you fight off illnesses and disease.

This tea is not a tea that you enjoy drinking on a daily basis, but it sure does give a kick to your body and I have found that I always feel better the next day. I have used this remedy when I have had severe colds and / or flu symptoms.

Note: I use organic whenever possible.

Juice from ½ lemon - Zest some peel for added Vitamin C

3 very thin slices fresh Ginger – try eating some after done with the tea

1 Clove Garlic - minced

Cayenne Pepper to taste – Very hot – use cautiously

Cinnamon – to taste

Honey (to be able to handle drinking all of the other ingredients) – to taste

1 cup boiling water – steep a few minutes and drink while hot as possible

Spiritual Growth

Our world is changing and it will never be the same again. When you see the news, showing all of the political unrest as well as the Corona Virus hysteria, I realize that a lot of this is for ratings. The worst news always sells.
So within reason we should unplug from the news. A daily meditation (Relaxation) ritual is truly warranted. Once you can get to this point of calmness and peace, this is where your thoughts become clearer. I was watching a You tube video from a woman that believes that healing can be done through prayer. She is asking that everyone at 3:00 pm each day set a positive message and pray.   Some examples are:

I ask that the world be healed from the Corona Virus.
I ask that there be less anger toward one another.
Let us all be more loving and compassionate toward one another.

How many times have you heard, when all else fails we might as well pray. 

We actually have it backwards; we should pray for healing daily. 

The power of our thoughts can change the world.

 My disclaimer, I am not a doctor and not authorized to give medical advice. Our friends and clients are important to us. If you need anything please call- Iris Hecker, EA, CLPF

Call to confirm or schedule appointments # 650-361-9703