February 2020                         DONATE 

The United Way of Charlotte County 
Mission:  Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty. 
Change doesn't happen alone #LIVEUNITED
Calling on Community for Final Campaign Push!
With the end of our March 31, 2020 community campaign in sight, United Way of Charlotte County is reporting that we are at 83% of our goal. So many people in our community depend on these vital programs and services. United Way is counting on our community to close the gap to show our neighbors that we're there for themWe need everyone to care. Please care. Please share. Please join us. Change doesn't happen alone. Please click here to make your gift today
Season of Sharing Celebrates!
Congratulations to Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Herald-Tribune Media Group and The Patterson Foundation on a record breaking campaign of 2.4 million dollars in donations.   Pictured are representatives of some of the fiscal agencies for Season of Sharing with Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director, United Way of Charlotte County - celebrating together. Click here to read more.

Powerhouse of Mobilizers
Charlotte County mobilizers gave of their time, talents and treasures on Saturday, February 8, 2020 to bring assistance and resources to families in need. The event pivoted around free tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, which is United Way-led and volunteer-driven. Boys & Girls Club families were encouraged to schedule tax preparation appointments, knowing that they would have childcare and lunch provided for them at the same time. Read more about the event, click here. 

Publix Deserves Appreciation!
Publix Appreciation Week is (2/24-2/28) and our official Appreciation Day is Friday, February 28, 2020.  We need your help!
Publix is our #1 supporter and we could not mobilize the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty without them AND YOU! Will you help us thank our local Publix Associates for their support by visiting your favorite Publix Store? This year is our 40th year partnership and they have impacted Charlotte County!

Thank you to 2019-2020 Campaign Sponsors! 

Signature Sponsors

Do you have an hour to give?
United Way