"The certain hope of the faithful, which rests not on human beings but on God, will never be destroyed." ~ St. Augustine
In this Sunday's Gospel account from John , the Samaritan woman, while engaged in the ordinary task of drawing water from the well, is surprised by an encounter with the Christ - the long-prophesied Savior. His words of Truth to her are so immediately transforming that she becomes both a believer and a missionary. She leaves her water jar, rushing back to town to share her excitement with everyone as she tells them all to "Come, see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Christ?" So deep is her joy at this life-changing encounter that any shame over her questionable reputation is no longer of consequence. As you prepare for Mass this weekend, here are some questions for reflection: Am I open to encountering Christ in the everyday people and activities of my life? Am I willing to leave behind shame and guilt so as to embrace the deep joy of Truth which flows from the living water, the Word of God?
Prayer is one of the three disciplines embraced by Christians during the season of Lent. In addition to daily Mass, St. Augustine offers the following additional opportunities for prayer during Lent, please join us for any or all:

3 PM - Contemplative Rosary in St. Augustine Church meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries with the special intention for those on the front lines of dealing with COVID-19
7 PM - Stations of the Cross in St. Augustine Church

6:15 PM - Evening Liturgy of the Hours in St. Augustine Church
6:30 PM - Eucharist: Source and Summit in Fr. Smith Hall
6:30 PM-7:30 PM - Sacrament of Reconciliation

For more info about all our Lenten activities, visit StAugustineParish.org/Lent .
In regards to the COVID-19 coronavirus and our parish community, we remind you to be attentive to your health and the health of your family. Please also consider checking in with neighbors who might be elderly or home bound.

Mass will be held as scheduled but please exercise good judgement in coming to church - if you are not feeling well, please stay at home. We ask everyone who comes forward to receive Holy Communion, to receive it on the hand (not on the tongue). Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained and take every precaution in handling the Eucharist.

Please refer to this letter from Cardinal Sean O'Malley and our parish website for more info in the coming days and weeks.

The Irish-themed coffee house, originally scheduled for Friday, March 13th has been postponed, date TBD. Information about other non-liturgical events will be forthcoming.

Let us continue to keep all who are affected in prayer and support one another in our community.
Read more in our weekly bulletin but please note the bulletin was published before the directives from the Archdiocese were released so information about some events and activities will likely change:
Visit our website at  www.staugustineparish.org

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