February 2020

At our Lincoln Square Senior Center, watercolor classes help students develop their skills and pour more of themselves into their art.

When Goddard's outreach teams help someone come in from the street, they're often placed first in transitional housing known as a Safe Haven. This West Side Rag story explores how a Safe Haven on the Upper West Side helps people stabilize and work toward finding a permanent home.

Our Women History Artist Month takes over the Bernie Wohl Center for the whole month of March, showcasing theater, paintings, music, improv - and even a live cooking show! - all by and about women. Check out the schedule at goddard.org/WHAM and make your WHAM plan today.
Join us for Classical Music, Cabaret-Style

On May 18th at 8 pm PUBLIQuartet storms the Bernie Wohl Center for a cabaret night! Enjoy drinks and light bites along with an eclectic program by this award-winning chamber music group. Save the date! Tickets available soon.
The first-graders at our Bernie Wohl Center After School have been learning about Ellen Ochoa, the first Latina astronaut. They gave a presentation about her to their friends and admiring families at the After School's annual Civil Rights Day earlier this month.