April 3 - April 9, 2020 / Nissan 9-15, 5780  
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Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
A Message from Rabbi Silverman 
We are commanded to choose life. That message reverberates throughout Jewish texts, and in the Pesach story itself. During the final plague, the Israelites put blood on their doorposts and did not leave their homes in order to save the lives of those inside. Then they baked their dough without allowing it to rise because they knew that speed could be critical to survival. And as the Egyptians pursued them, they walked through walls of water with the hope of a better life on the other shore.

Today, as we enter what may be an exceptionally difficult month for our country, and a challenging holiday for the Jewish community, we can also make life-affirming choices. It can be scary that so many things are outside of our control. But the things we can control matter. And taking action can be a powerful antidote to fear. Especially if we act together. 

So, this month, let's:
  1. Stay home throughout the month, including for the seders. I know it is hard to be without friends and family. Staying home it is the sacred choice that will keep them safe.
  2. Make sure that all who are hungry can eat. Please spread the word about the food programs below and donate generously to hunger relief organizations.
  3. Ask for help when we need it. Please contact me and we will connect you to the resources and/or people that can help. 
  4. Reach out, frequently, to family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and strangers. Let's ensure that our communal story of vulnerability in Egypt directs us to identify and support vulnerable people today.
  5. Find new ways to support people who are sick or in mourning, and the people who care for them. Even, or especially, when we are not able to serve as caregivers, visit hospital patients, or go to funeral services, let's find ways to thank caregivers, bring healing to the sick, and comfort to the bereaved.
Pesach is about history and ritual and traditions. It is also about who we are as a people. And we are a people who choose life. Chag Sameach.
We have really enjoyed connecting with our members this week through phone calls and emails. If you haven't been contacted by IADS staff or board members, today would be a great day to make sure that your contact information is up to date or to officially become part of our community and become a member.

Virtual Shabbat Services - *Updated Schedules* 
Friday nights
On Friday nights, we will begin at 5:30 p.m. with some check-in time, and then around 6:00 p.m., we will hold a mincha service (for anyone who wants to tune in before we welcome Shabbat) followed by Kabbalat Shabbatand Maariv. 
Today and on the first Friday night of each month, we will hold a Tot Shabbat service led by Rabbi Silverman and Gavri Yares from 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. We invite you and your young children to join us in song!  
Saturday mornings
Tomorrow and on the first and second Saturday mornings of the month, we will have Torah Study at 9:00 a.m., followed by a worship service at 10:00 a.m.

On the third and fourth Saturday mornings of the month, we will have our Sleep-In Shabbats starting at 10:30 a.m. with Schmooze time, 11:00 a.m. Torah Study, and 12:00 p.m. Mincha service.

On the third Saturday morning of the month, we will hold a Tot Shabbat service  led by Rabbi Silverman and Gavri Yares from 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. We invite you and your young children to join us in song!

Link for all Shabbat Services:
Or call 646.876.9923, Meeting ID 594 469 508

Cleaning out your chametz for Passover, or want to share food with those in need on this holiday? Join us for the Food Drop-Off to benefit Gleaners Community Food Bank!

Do you or your neighbor need matzo this Passover? The Michigan Board of Rabbis and the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit are providing one free box per family.

Both food drop-offs and matzo pick-ups will be held in the parking lot of Congregation Shaarey Zedek.

This event is held in partnership with Repair The World Detroit, Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue, Gleaners Community Food Bank, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, The Michigan Board of Rabbis, and Congregation Shaarey Zedek.

All CDC recommended precautionary actions will be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Community Coffee & Check-in with Rabbi Silverman
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Zoom (see below for details)
Starting Tuesday, March 24th, Rabbi Silverman will hold open hours to connect, catch-up, and drink some  homemade coffee on
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:00 a.m-12:00 p.m.

Link for all Coffee & Chat hours:
Or call 646.876.9923, Meeting ID 594 469 508
If you need help setting up Zoom technology, please email us and we will walk you through it. 
Passover with the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
Although Passover may be quite different and challenging this year compared to years past, we have worked to ensure that you and yours are supported with resources for the holiday. Please see below for resources to connect with the greater community, and please reach out if you are in need of additional support.
Seder Matches: As many members of our community are alone at their homes, we would like to provide folks an opportunity to be matched with others to share a call/Zoom session during your Pesach seder. If you are interested in being matched with a Pesach Partner, please reach out to us. 
Community Wide Online Model Seder: The Michigan Board of Rabbis has put together a joint model seder for you to use in either your Pesach preparations or to guide you through your seder itself. This will be a seder that you can join virtually in the comfort of your home. We will be sending out the link and more details early next week. 
JCRC/AJC Interfaith Seder: In partnership, JCRC/AJC, Interfaith Leadership Council, and the Coalition for Black and Jewish Unity will be holding a 30 Minute Interfaith Seder on Wednesday, April 8th, 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining, please use this link
Mazel Tov to Ruby Robinson and Yifat Clein on the birth of their son, Yishai Ayal Clein!
Community Resources for COVID-19  
The staff and board of the Downtown Synagogue is thinking of ways to support our community's needs right now. If you or a loved one needs help, please let us know- we will endeavor to connect you to services or help you directly. Please reach out to Rabbi Silverman with resource inquiries.

In addition, we are aware of the following community resources:
Unemployment Insurance Agency: Please visit the UIA website to learn about how to file for unemployment.   
Jewish Federation: Please visit the Jewish Federation Coronavirus community resource page which includes support for meal delivery, emergency loans for small businesses, and mental health support. 
Jewish Family Service: Please view this PDF to learn about all local resources, compiled by JFS. Resources include financial assistance, employment services, housing, food assistance, transportation, and much more.  
Yad Ezra: Please visit Yad Ezra's website to learn more about their current food distribution services.  
Pantry Net: Please visit Pantry Net's website to view a local listing of pantries throughout Michigan.   
JHelp: Please visit JHelp's website 
to view resources that may support the local Jewish community.
JHelp Food Delivery Program: JHELP/Kosher Meals on Wheels program is for people over 60 years of age and those with disabilities in the tri-county area who need Kosher food and do not have other options for receiving support with their food needs. The food delivery service is free.

For those who do not qualify for government funding and may be unable to pay the full cost of the meal, costs will be subsidized by the Jewish Federation and our generous donors. Please call 1-833-445-4357 to register for this program. 
City of Detroit: Please visit the City of Detroit's website to learn more about the free meal program/food resources, unemployment benefits, water restart plan, and what actions and precautions are currently being taken to slow the spread of COVID-19. 
CDC: Please visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention's website to stay up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic.  
2-1-1 United Way: Please visit United Way's website to learn about local support resources being provided to community members.   
Call for Mi Shebeirach
During our Shabbat morning worship, we read the names of people in our community who are in need of healing. As we invoke God's blessing, we also become more aware of the people who could use a little extra care. Please let us know if you would like us to read the name of a loved one.



Stay Connected
The Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
1457 Griswold - Detroit, MI - 48226 - (313) 962-4047