This tool promotes the conservation of a broad array of resources while providing for ongoing community development. Regulations can protect:

  • Flood Plains, Wetlands, and Steep Slopes
  • Riparian Buffers
  • Woodlands
  • Unique Natural Areas
  • Greenway Corridors
  • Scenic Landscapes
  • Historic Resources

How is this tool implemented?
  • Most resource protection regulation is accomplished via the Zoning Ordinance, which applies all the time and not just to development scenarios.
  • Some municipalities regulate certain resources within the SALDO only, so as not to apply rigorous resource protection standards to the average homeowner.
  • Resource protection regulations that may stipulate use limitations or outright prohibitions, or may more liberally apply disturbance limitations and/or performance standards.
  • Historic resource protection requires provision for viable economic re-use or adaptation.
  • A clear and accurate inventory of all subject resources serves as an import qualifier to resource protection regulation.
  • All resource regulation should take into account the unique character of individual properties and the need for landowners to undertake lawful land use.

Where has this tool been used successfully and what were the outcomes?
  • Every municipality is subject to Flood Plain regulation and Wetland regulation which have minimized disturbance of these resources in recent decades.
  • Most municipalities regulate the disturbance of steep slopes with relative success.
  • Few municipalities regulate unique natural areas or riparian buffers beyond regulation imposed by the state.
  • Limited regulation has successfully been imposed at the municipal level for woodlands, greenways, scenic landscapes and historic resources, although we enjoy some excellent examples in the Brandywine Creek Greenway region.

How can this tool be used in the BCG and in which municipalities might it be suitable?
  • Local regulation of natural and cultural resources can be enacted or enhanced in every municipality within the Brandywine Creek Greenway region.
  • Suitability of specific forms and applicability of regulations are dependent upon both the unique characteristics of each municipality (e.g., what resources are present?) and the community conservation and development objectives.

Email  [email protected]   for assistance with any of the tools in the BCG Toolkit.