Gathering in Grace • Growing in Faith • Going Forth to Serve
First Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Worship at 8:30 & 10:00am
Altar flowers this Sunday are given by Margaret Mattson
in memory of husband, Don Mattson.
Proceeds benefit TLC's Mission of the Month for March: VEAP
Accommodations throughout the church for those with disabilities.
Wireless hearing assist devices available for worship services.
Closed Captioning available with on-demand playback (not live) of worship services.
Nursery available at both services.
Parent/children's Pray-Ground available in the Sanctuary during worship.

Hospitality & Social Activities from 9-11:30am in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall

Click on the live-stream logo below or visit at
the time of the service to watch it on your media device.
Pastor Ed Treat
Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday. The English word “Lent” comes from the Anglo–Saxon word lencten, which means “lengthen” and refers to the lengthening days of "spring." It is a time of preparation for Easter.
Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by converts and then became a time for penance by all Christians. The First Sunday describes Jesus' temptation by Satan and the last concludes with Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his subsequent passion and death. All the readings during Lent focus primarily on the meaning of baptism and discipleship. Because Sundays are always little Easters during Lent, the penitential spirit of Lent should be tempered with joyful expectation of the Resurrection.
Holy Week is the final week of Lent, beginning with Passion/Palm Sunday and concluding with Holy Saturday. It is during these days that the readings focus primarily on the last days and suffering and death of Jesus, including Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
The Great Three Days—sometimes called the Triduum or Pasch—from sunset Holy Thursday through sunset Easter Day are the climax of Lent (and of the whole Christian year) that bring us into the Easter season. These three days proclaim the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ's passion, death, and resurrection.
Purple, the color of penitence is used during lent. We remove all shiny objects from the worship area. A large rough cross is the stark reminder of Christ’s journey through lent to Easter.
This is our time to reflect on our mortality, the promise and hope we have in resurrection in the face of our mortality, and a time to consider how we will live our lives in light of the promise of grace. May that gift of grace shape your life with gratitude and abiding joy this Lent and Easter.

Evening services feature music from Holden Evening Prayer
March 4 - March 11 - March 18 - March 25

Join us Wednesdays in Lent at Noon and 6:30pm for Lenten worship. Services will feature testimonies from TLC staff and members speaking of times when they have experienced “God Moments” in their lives or community. Evening services feature music from Holden Evening Prayer. Community meal at 5:30. Education hour following worship.

Testimonies on March 4 will be by Deacon Renee Jefferson (noon) and Bob Riley (Evening)

All Wednesday evening services during the season of Lent will be live-streamed.
Discover & Learn
TLC Group Attends Synod Event
L-R standing: Norma Macdonald-Ockwig, Steve Jorschumb, Sandy Mullen, Jerry & Louise Olson. Seated: Renee Jefferson, Marilyn Erickson and Marilyn Rundberg
The Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA recently held a Tool Kit and Conference Assembly at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie. Eight TLC members took part in more than a dozen workshops on various topics such as Starting Missions; Accounting; How to Run Successful Meetings; Mental Health Connect and Responsibilities for Church Councils. 

Sandy Mullen reflects, "I personally went to the workshop on how to run a successful meeting and the mission developer meeting. They were both very helpful." She added, "I know others went to the workshop on accounting, and another to an introduction to mission onsite."
TLC’s Jane Voss Receives Breaking Barriers Award
Award Presented at 34th Annual Minnesota Girls and Women in Sports Day
Some of Minnesota’s most inspiring and influential student-athletes, coaches and athletic leaders were recognized at the award ceremony this past February, held at the Minnesota History Center. The award ceremony was conducted in conjunction with the annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day, a nationwide celebration recognizing the accomplishments of individuals in the promotion and advancement of girls’ and women’s sports. 
Jane Voss was the recipient of the "Breaking Barriers" award, given to individuals or organizations that have broken barriers, overcome challenges and/or strive to provide athletic opportunities for girls and women of all races, all ages, and all levels of ability.

Jane said the award, as well as the nomination, was quite an honor. “I can think of a lot of deserving people,” she said. “I’m honored that I’m considered someone who contributes and contributed.”
From starting girl’s athletic programs in the 1970s to serving as a public address announcer for girl’s and boy’s high school athletics, Jane Voss has long been an advocate for girls in sports, and a role model for all young athletes.
Jane started the girls’ athletic programs at Zumbrota-Mazeppa High School in 1973, and served as the school’s first varsity basketball, volleyball and track coaches, as well as cheerleading, pep club and girl’s recreation association advisor.
She moved to Eden Prairie High School in 1980 and continued to coach both volleyball and softball while also working with the Athena Award Committee, the EP Schools Gender Equity Committee, and the Region 6AA Executive Committee. Jane was also the tournament director for sections 2AA and 6AA softball. 
After retiring from coaching she took on the role of announcing both girls’ and boy’s sports at Eden Prairie, leading to her current announcing with the MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League) in volleyball, girls’ basketball and boys’ basketball tournaments. Tune in to 45-TV (KSTC) this March and you’ll most certainly hear and often see Jane announce the player rosters along with other vocal duties during the games.
Story Sources:
National Girls & Women in Sports Day – Minnesota
SW Publications
Talent Shows Revisited
Before the Lenten season takes over completely, maybe we need a couple of good laughs. Remember the very well-done talent show we had not long ago? It was a fundraiser, and also involved bidding on lovely baked goods between the acts. It was a success, as some very generous people bid quite high, and we reached our goal.
Since I graduated from high school in 1950, this year is my 70 th reunion year. Not too sure there'll be any get-togethers, as way too many people are gone now. Milaca High School was not large back then, and now there's a new school not too far from the old one. Funny the things one remembers from those days....and the one I will tell about is etched in my mind.
Bird Lady's Milaca High School
We had a girls' gym back then; not as nice as the boys, used for Phys. Ed, but also for programs like talent shows. There was a curtain to draw across the stage at one end, so it worked well. At the time we had such a nice principal... a large man, and quite heavy. His jowls decorated his face so when he looked sad, he really looked sad! Our nice principal was chosen to be the emcee for the talent show that year. I don't think he'd ever done this before, and as we all remember from TLC's talent show... a good emcee is important.

Some lead-in to a song, or whatever, is necessary. What our beloved principal did was walk out on the bare stage, stand there and say “Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child” (a song). Everyone seemed to think he meant himself, as he looked quite sad. There was laughter, and I suppose he wondered why.
Our principal looked sad when he announced, "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child."
At various times during the show, a guy would wander across the stage saying, “The Viper is coming, the Viper is coming,” making the audience wonder what he meant. This went on until the last contestant had performed... Who or what was the Viper? It sounded a little scary.

Curtain went down, the show was over, and finally here came an old guy carrying a ladder, who got up on stage and said in a very Scandinavian accent, “I am the viper, and I'm here to vipe your vindows!” The audience loved it. I think he probably won the prize for the best performance.

-Bloomington BIrd Lady
Sue Brickely, Jill & Rob Reid at the NLC concert last week in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Look who Rob and Jill Reid found while on tour with the National Lutheran Choir last week ... TLC's Sue Brickley! She attended the concert given at Christ Lutheran/Christ Providence in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sue was a NLC Season Ticket Patron while living here, so was thrilled to hear the choir was singing near her new home. The three friends had a fun visit together.
This Sunday!
-a continuing series-
By Pastor Al Dungan
Trinity Sunday
The Forgotten Festival
Because it comes at the end of the festival-half of the Church Year, and because we have changed our reckoning of the Sundays after this time from Sundays after Trinity to Sundays after Pentecost, Trinity Sunday almost becomes an afterthought.

Besides, which of you can adequately explain what the concept of the Trinity means to each other as Christians, let alone someone from outside the Christian community. Muslims and Jews accuse us of polytheism (belief in more than one God) which, to their way of thinking is correct.

The Jews look to Deuteronomy 6 where it is stated quite emphatically: “Hear, O Israel. The Lord (Yahweh) our God is the Lord alone ”---as opposed to the nations around them who served many gods.

Muslims claim that Allah is, like Yahweh of the Jews, one God and are forbidden to worship other gods which was the practice before the “reformation” of Arabic religious thinking by Mohammed.

However….there’s more to it than that and, once again, the Irish, who are credited with saving Christianity during the Dark and Middle Ages in Europe, can be given credit for explaining this teaching of the Church quite effectively and simply.

The shamrock, the 3-leafed clover which is found across Ireland, was used to explain the concept of the Trinity to pagans converted to Christianity; and that illustration still works well for us today.

“Look”, the missionaries said, “The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is just like the 3-leafed clover: three equal leaves on one stem.” One is not greater than the other and together they come together to explain the Christian concepts of Creator, Savior and the Spirit who empowers all believers to share the Good News of God’s love for the world.

So…in a very real way, what Trinity Sunday does for us is sum up all that God does for us and the words of the Apostles’ Creed reminds us of that each time we confess our basic Christian belief.

Far from being the “forgotten festival” it might be considered the cornerstone of what we believe as Christians.

So…later this year, as we celebrate Trinity Sunday, let’s remember to thank the Irish for their symbol of the shamrock. So simple and yet so profound, which explains the teaching about the Trinity.

Next time: What does this mean for us? From God’s Half Year to the Church’s Half Year.

Quilt Square Bible Story
Something new at Hospitality. TLC's Linda Meyer made beautiful quilt squares that tell a Bible story. There is a different one at each table in Fellowship Hall during Sunday morning hospitality. Each square contains a bible verse that tells the story. Go in for a cup of coffee and refreshments and look at the squares, read the verse that tells the story, and talk about them with your friends. Thank you, Linda.
Minnesota Food Share Campaign
Sunday, March 1          
VEAP Video at 8:30 and 10:00am services; Noisy offering-Sunday School kids for VEAP

Sunday, March 8         
Guest, Debbie Belfry from VEAP at 8:30 and 10:00am services; Pancakes with a Purpose breakfast, donations to VEAP.

Wednesday, March 11
Confirmation kids deliver VEAP flyers throughout neighborhood asking for food donations to be left on their doorsteps on Sunday. 

Sunday, March 15
Donations will be collected.

Monday, March 16
Donations will be delivered to VEAP– How many lbs. will it be?

From Joe McDonald, VEAP CEO:
2019 was quite a year at VEAP. We launched a new initiative to increase our visitors’ access to fresh produce, providing them with six additional visits per year. Strong relationships with food banks, along with donations from people like you, allowed us to distribute more than 4.3 million lbs. of food. That is an astounding 600,000 more pounds than any other year in VEAP’s history. And we provided more families with housing assistance than ever before. VEAP is making a difference in the communities we serve.

We exist only because of the generosity of our community.
Thank you for your support!
"Hanging Bridge"
ELC Photographer: Ava, 6 1 / 2 years old

Ava started taking pictures last summer. You saw one of her other photos of the arched bridge at the Japanese Gardens, Normandale Community College in the February 2 edition of the TLC Weekly.

Says Ava of this photo, "It looks like the bridge is hanging over the water, that is why I wanted to call it Hanging Bridge. The kids are hanging on the bridge looking at the water and ice that is below the bridge. When you look down the bridge you see the path and it goes to the steps and the steps go up to the top."
Short Course
Sunday, March 15, Adult Ed Room - Choose 8:30am or 10:00am class.
Get the basics of organizing, conducting meetings, setting goals, being a cohesive team member, and communication. Led by the Leadership Team.
Click here to view or download a pdf of the entire leadership manual on TLC’s website (documents/strategic). A shortened form will be used. All team and group members are urged to attend if you were unable to attend previous sessions. Contact Renee Jefferson for more information.
Next Friday, March 6
Parents’ Night Out – The next TLC-ELC parents’ night out will be Friday, March 6 from 6-8:30pm.

Parents are welcome to drop their children off at TLC's Fellowship Hall for supervised play time and arts/crafts. Donations accepted (no, you can't donate your children).

Please RSVP to Gretchen Schroeder at or 612-750-4231. Next dates will be on Fridays: April 3, May 1 and June 5.
Do you ever need an extra prayer for yourself, a loved one, or a dear friend? TLC has a prayer team that prays often for members, their families and friends of the congregation. Send your prayer requests to or on the TLC website here , or write your request on the yellow Life@TLC insert included in the bulletin each Sunday. These prayer needs are sent on to the Prayer Team and kept confidential – just between you, the pray-ers, and God. If you would like to be a member of the prayer team, please sign up on the yellow Life@TLC bulletin insert.
Wednesday Evening at TLC
March 4
  • Community Meal 5:30-6:00pm. Swedish meatballs. $5.00 suggested donation.
  • Lenten service with Communion & Holden Evening Prayer.
  • Confirmation
  • Women of the Bible - study
  • Chancel Choir Practice
  • Praise & Worship Group Practice

Simple Stromboli
3 Servings
What you'll need:
  • ½ pound bulk pork sausage (optional)
  • 1 (1 pound) loaf frozen bread dough, thawed
  • 4 slices hard salami
  • 4 slices thinly sliced ham
  • 4 slices American cheese
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 egg white, lightly beaten 
Step 1
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
Step 2
Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat; cook and stir sausage until crumbly, evenly browned, and no longer pink, about 10 minutes. Drain and discard any excess grease.
Step 3
Pat out bread dough on an ungreased baking sheet, to 3/4-inch thickness. Lay salami, ham, and American cheese slices in center of dough. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, salt, pepper, and cooked sausage. Wrap dough to cover ingredients, pinching and sealing edges to prevent leakage; brush top with egg white.
Step 4
Bake in preheated oven until dough is baked and lightly browned, 17 to 20 minutes.
The 2 nd Annual Youth LOCK-In! The youth will be taking over the church for 12 hours starting Saturday night,March 7 .
Games, movies, food, door prizes, scavenger hunts, and even sardines! What?!
Bring your friends and RSVP to   
Back Issues of the TLC Weekly
including this issue (Today!)
[CLICK HERE] to visit the TLC web page where you can choose to read from the past 16 months of weekly E-newsletters from Transfiguration Lutheran Church. This is also a great way to share TLC Weekly with those that don't receive it in email. Tell them to visit
Also, there are a limited number of TLC Weekly's in hard copy at the TLC Welcome desk next to the Chapel.
Jan-Mar 2020 Transcripts
Now available online. [Click Here]

Is this a vision test compliments of TLC?

Hint: Look carefully and try to read it top to bottom in one continuous sentence.
It’s important to know that we can depend on financial support from TLC members. Electronic giving is fast, secure, and reduces administrative costs, allowing more of every dollar to support the important work we are called to do. You can give anytime, anywhere to specific funds with our GivePlus Mobile app (free from the app store). You can also schedule and manage recurring donations by visiting our website and clicking on TLC ONLINE GIVING icon at the bottom of any page, or [Click Here] to start the process, or contact the church office.
Picture for illustration purpose only.
FOR 2020
See the chart online or stop in
at the church office to order.

The TLC website has an online form to order Chancel/Altar Flowers for any Sunday in 2020. Click Here to access the form now , or visit later and look for the "Purchase Altar Flowers" button at the bottom of any page.
Free Subscriptions, sign up to be a volunteer, request care ministry and more!
Subscribe a friend to this newsletter, TLC Weekly, or subscribe yourself and others to the TLC publication, Transcripts. Interested in TLC membership? Sunday school? Our renowned TLC music program, volunteering and more are choices on this easy online TLC Request Form. Just [Click Here] or the "Sign Me Up" button on the left.

A Reconciling in Christ Congregation
A Culture of Diversity and Inclusion
Visit TLC's website at
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