Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In these strange times we want to make sure we do everything we can to follow the admonition in Hebrews 10:25 which implores us to not neglect meeting together. That is certainly a difficult admonition to follow right now and though we cannot physically meet we do want to take this opportunity to meet together virtually. In this email you will find a links in the green box on the left that will take you to the video we have created for this weekend’s worship as well as links to worship songs. As you will see it is not a “normal” worship service, but we are hopeful that the singing, praying, and teaching will be something that will help you to worship, even if from afar. You can watch this on Sunday morning or any other time and you can view it by yourself or with your family (or others if you are comfortable doing so). This is obviously an opportunity for us to experiment with different ways of worship and we will hopefully learn together what is helpful and what is less helpful. One way or the other we feel confident that God will use this time to teach us new things (especially the truth that we are not in control!).

In this email you will also see links to videos and resources that our youth and children’s staff has put together. This is a great opportunity for our young people to continue in their discipleship and we hope that it will be a helpful resource for parents. And, even if you are not a young person, feel free to watch and get a better understanding as to what our children are learning. This is one of the unexpected gifts of this time!

Finally, our teaching today will focus on Paul’s call to not be anxious or fearful, but to think about (soak in) those things that are true, pleasing, excellent and worthy of praise. At the bottom of this email are resources like book recommendations, songs and scripture passages that we hope will help you do just that. My hope is that in this time we will grow in our ability to focus, not on fear, but on our faith in Jesus who is the Prince of Peace. In so doing, might we be witnesses to an anxious and fearful world of the love, grace and peace of Christ.

We miss you all, but we know that God is in control. If there is anything you need please let us know. 

Let us worship God!
