We are one body, one body in Christ;
And we do not stand alone.

As Lent Continues, 
We Build Our Community Together
Dear Friends in Christ Our Hope,
As St. Paul reminds us, we are one body in Christ. We never stand alone! This week we may be feeling disconnected or isolated. Despite the headlines and drastic actions taken by our Archbishop this week this community of believers stands together even though we may be physically apart. 

As we look for ways to be in communion with one another as the body of Christ I invite you to j oin our parish community online for FacebookLive Masses  at our regularly scheduled Sunday Mass times (see directions below). If you do not have a Facebook account you can watch the Mass after it occurs on our Youtube channel ( http://bit.ly/COHYoutube). 

Then we invite you to pray with us weekdays in our Church. The sanctuary will be available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. We are taking steps to protect our community so we will need to limit the number of people in the Church to allow for the recommended social distancing. We'll have trained volunteers available onsite at all times the sanctuary is open to help ensure we remain safe.

To ensure the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available, Fr. Bryan will be hearing confessions at Christ Our Hope from 7:15 AM to 8 AM Wednesday through Friday next week

We also encourage our parishioners to write a card to a Josephinum resident and drop it off at the Pastoral Center. So many of our fellow residents are feeling especially alone without our usual fellowship and regular meals. Or please consider joining our soup brigade to support our brothers and sisters at the Josephinum.

As we will read this weekend in Sacred Scripture, Jesus talks about the "living water" with the Samaritan woman at the well. Don't we all crave this "living water" to quench our thirst? Christ calls on us to trust in him and his power to save. As the Psalmist reminds us in God alone does my soul find rest.

Thank you for everything you do as a part of our community in the heart of downtown Seattle. Let's continue to be a beacon of hope together. 


Deacon Dennis Kelly 
Pastoral Coordinator  
Christ Our Hope / St. Patrick Parish Communities
Reflection On This Sunday's Readings 
From Deacon Dennis Kelly, Pastoral Coordinator 

Do we believe in God's power to save us? This is the question facing the Israelites in the desert in the first reading this weekend from the Book of Exodus. It's a question we may all be asking in this time of great fear over a virus outbreak. And, yes, even we are grumbling about how our leaders are responding to this health emergency. Some of the grumbling may be justifiable. But do we believe in the power of God to deliver us from this crisis?
The Israelites are grumbling against Moses because of their lack of water. So, God tells Moses to take the elders to Mt. Horeb (a.k.a. Mt. Sinai, the Mountain of God), to the place called Massah ("the place of testing") and Meribah ("the place of quarreling"), and use his staff to strike the rock and draw water, proving to untrusting people God's power to save. 

Jesus is having a conversation about "living water" in this weekend's Gospel reading from John. The Samaritan woman knows Jesus is thirsting for water, but in her reticence to give him a drink, she learns about something Jesus calls "living water," water that quenches the soul for eternity. She wants this water. Isn't this the drink we all crave? Isn't this the balm that can sooth our grumbling souls?

Jesus' words speak to us on many levels, but the bottom-line is God's promise of salvation for His people and deliverance from our woes. Yes, even this Covid-19, novel Coronavirus. But do we have faith in this "living water" offered to us all by Jesus? Do we trust God enough to come through for us in our time of need? This is why we gather together as a community -- to pray to God for the "living waters" that can quench our inexhaustible thirst. This Communion is our way of showing we trust in God's promises. 
Support Our Vulnerable Communities

At this time it is important to remember that each of us are called to be a beacon of hope. One way we can support our brothers and sisters at the Josephinum is to write cards to residents. and other downtown communities. These cards can be dropped off at the parish office during open hours on Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will then be delivered to residents. We are also looking for parishioners to join a soup brigade who can help cook meals that will be delivered by Catholic Community Services staff to isolated and vulnerable residents. Those looking to participate in this ministry can contact Paula Holmes. If you have other ideas how we can support the community, please contact Lauren Pusich. Thank you!
Open Prayer Space Hours 

While public Masses are suspended, we continue to remain committed to providing a place for our downtown community to gather in prayer. These open hours will start on Monday, March 16th. Starting on that date we will be open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Please be aware we will need to limit the number of people in the Sanctuary at one time to allow for the recommended social distancing. Trained volunteers will be there to join you in prayer and uphold all proper recommendations (such as social distancing, cleanliness, and more). These steps are being taken to protect all of our vulnerable populations. Thank you so much for your patience, understanding, and prayers during this time of great need.   
To watch a currently streaming live video feed from Christ Our Hope (for example during 8:30 AM Mass on Sunday)
1) Sign in to Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com
2) Navigate to Christ Our Hope's facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/ChristOurHopeSeattle/  
3) Scroll down the page until you see "Christ Our Hope Catholic Church, Seattle IS LIVE."
4) Click on the video you see playing to expand it larger. Video defaults to mute and you will not be hearing it yet.
5) Use the speaker volume symbol on the bottom right of the video to unmute the video. Click once to unmute. Click and drag the toggle up and down to adjust the volume. If the video still has no sound please check your computer's audio settings and make sure your computer isn't muted or low volume.  
6) You are welcome to add a comment to the video, especially if prompted by Fr. Bryan or Dn. Dennis - it will work just like any other Facebook comment does and it will not disrupt the Mass in progress.

To watch a saved video feed from Christ Our Hope
(for example after the 8:30 AM Mass on Sunday has ended) 
1)  Sign in to Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com
2) Navigate to Christ Our Hope's facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/ChristOurHopeSeattle/  
3) Click on the "Videos" menu option on the left menu.    
4) Choose which saved video you want to view and click on it to expand it larger. Your video may default to mute and you may not be hearing it yet.
5) Use the speaker volume symbol on the bottom right of the video to unmute the video. Click once to unmute. Click and drag the toggle up and down to adjust the volume. If the video still has no sound please check your computer's audio settings and make sure your computer isn't muted or low volume.
6) You are welcome to add a comment to the video - it will work just like any other Facebook comment does. 
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