Summer Sunday Schedule:

10:00 a.m. Eucharist for All
11:00 a.m. Fellowship
11:15 a.m. Formation 
(1st and 3rd Sundays)

Check out the church calendar here.

Trail Notes ... 

It's Showtime.
The church focuses, rightly, on the story of Jesus.  I, for one, am fascinated by the man.  But we cannot stop with Jesus: in a real way, Jesus is a prelude to our real work. 
Pentecost marks the beginning of the work of the Spirit: the founding of the church as community, the beginnings of ministry in the world by an army of God's people.  Disciples (followers) become apostles (those sent on a mission).  The first apostles discovered on Pentecost just how powerful God's Holy Spirit really is: miracles of language took place, so that everbody could hear and understand the Good News of God's love.  Three thousand people heard and received the Gospel, and were baptized. 
Walter Brueggeman, a wonderful Old Testament Scholar, wrote that God's will is accomplished through human agency.  God's Spirit in us makes us God's agents.  When we work together, hungry people are fed, and systems are changed so that all people have enough.  Nations are changed , as people join together to fight for justice and the dignity of every  human being.  Even the earth itself can be healed, if we join together to insist on environmental measures to preserve our precious planet. 
For Christians, the message of Pentecost is: It's Showtime.     JBM  
Justice League Meeting ... 

State Department Briefing on Refugee and Immigration Issues on June 5.
"I was a stranger and you welcomed me."

The working group on social and economic justice will have a meeting on  Tuesday, May 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the church to air ideas for moving forward on new initiatives and also to discuss promotion for the upcoming talk on refugee issues with the State Department.
Ambassador Mark C. Storella, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, will talk on June 5 at the church at 7:30 p.m. about refugee issues, including an update on their refugee admission program and a broader perspective to on what they are doing in terms of refugee assistance around the world and their humanitarian diplomacy on behalf of refugees.  Ambassador Storella will be returning from a trip to Bangladesh and Burma, and will also talk to us about on the Rohingya crisis.

Mark MacCarthy
Celebrating Pentecost ... 
    Come and celebrate the Birthday of the Church!
Wear RED!
Fly Kites!
Hear the Gospel in different languages!
10:50 a.m. Forum: Evangelism at St. Dunstan's

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, in the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." Mathew 28:19-20

Eugene Wright
      Christian Formation for Children and Youth ...

Children's Formation- Thank you to Teachers

Catch the Wind on Pentecost!

On  Sunday, May 20, the children will fly their kite creations during formation time. This will be a wonderful time of catching the wind of the Holy Spirit to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. We will have extra kites for those who were not able to make kites earlier this month. So come out join us for this fun ending to our program year of children's formation.

Special summer formation will take place on some summer Sundays. We will also continue Sandwich Making on the last Sunday of each month. And stay tuned for Summer at the Movies dates and information!

Mark your calendars for May 21!

Dinner for all at 6:30 p.m.
Youth Program from 7:00-8:00 p.m. 

This night will be our last youth  group night for this program year - so come out and join us for some fun and games. Giant Jenga and a few other games will be the main focus of the evening while we talk about the body of Christ and how we are all connected to each other. It will be great fun!

Stay tuned for information about 
Summer at the Movies!
This year we will feature a movie for children and one for youth.
And of course we will be serving popcorn & other delights.

L Sue von Rautenkranz
Children and Youth Formation Coordinator

Church Picnic ... 

      Parish Notice ...

It's spring cleaning time for our church grounds, and we'll require as many helping hands as there can be. Please come for the morning of  Saturday, May 19, at 9:00 a.m. Bring your yard work gloves, and a shovel or trowel.  We will weed and replant, where necessary, in our Memorial garden. We need to repair the swale, and possibly add fill dirt and mulch to the new bulb garden, beneath the crepe myrtle. Water and snacks will be provided. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, you may contact Rosemarie Barrett and Sue NewmanThanks so much for whatever time you can give!!

St. Dunstan's is rallying to furnish an apartment for a newly-arriving refugee family who has nothing.  We need everything from forks to furniture - in good 
condition.  Please see what you could donate, and go to the link  here to sign up.  

Contact  Fred Bentley (202)215-8340 or  Ray Donnelly (301)320-6146 with questions.  Small items can be left in the choir room at church (through the beanbag room).  Contact Fred Bentley about pickup of large items.  

Furniture - Kitchen items - Linens and Household Supplies - Toiletries - Cleaning Supplies

When our family arrives, we'll be organizing a move-in weekend, and gathering additional items appropriate to our family, such as baby supplies, food, and clothing. 

You can make life better for a family struggling to get a new start in a new country.  As Jesus said, "I was a stranger, and you took me in."   

Pride Sunday ... Save the Date!

Fundraiser for Syrian Orphans ... 


Hopes and Prayers on our Journey ...

n Need of Healing:

Curt Shively , husband of Susan Burkhalter in nursing care
Ken Farnsworth , at home in Westwood Towers
David Keegan , friend of Tom and Rosemarie Barrett, fighting cancer
Pam Plaisance , fighting cancer, cousin of Sue von
Samantha Barnes, ill,  sister of Muriel Croston
Ray Bridson , friend of the MacKnights, fighting cancer
DJ Crane , family friend of Trudy Surut, fighting cancer
Jay Karlin , in nursing care

The flowers at the altar  are given to the glory of the risen Lord by Bob and Mimi Betz in memory of Mimi's brother, Donald Scellato. 

We pray for St. Dunstan's Missionaries, Cameron and Roberto Vivanco, who serve in Quito, Ecuador, and the parish of Buen Pastor.  

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please complete our prayer request form by clicking here.

Trail Map ...

The Day of Pentecost

May 20, 2018

9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist
9:50 a.m. Life Long Christian Formation
10:45 a.m. Traditional Family Eucharist
12:00 p.m. Fellowship

The readings for this Sunday are:
Acts 2:1-12, Psalm 104:25-35,37,
and John 15:26-27

Sunday Schedule of Ministries ...

Serving this Sunday
Liturgical Coordinator:   Sue Newman
Eucharistic Minister:  Eugene Wright 
and Carl Adams
Prayer Minister:  Eugene Wright
Lector:  Carl Adams
Altar Guild:   Ann Johnson