APRIL 17, 2020

A New Report From Main Street America Highlights the Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses

A new report released this week from Main Street America highlights the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses. Main Street America surveyed the approximately 300,000 small businesses across their network to better understand small businesses' ability to withstand what may be several months of suppressed revenue and what support programs would have the most impact. They received thousands of responses from across the country, ranging from big cities to small towns. 

The results from the survey highlight the profound impact of COVID-19 on small and locally owned businesses that are often the backbone of downtown districts. The report finds that approximately 7.5 million small businesses will be at great risk of closing permanently over the next 5 months and 3.5 million will be at risk of closing over the next two months. This means that more that more than 35 million Americans employed by small businesses would be at risk of unemployment.

The survey also looked programs that would have the most impact on small businesses finding that in addition to more financial assistance programs, small-businesses need programs that allow for penalty free extensions on expenses and additional support for transitioning to increased e-commerce. Additionally, the report demonstrates the importance of main street programs in serving as the link connecting financial assistance programs, like those included in the CARES Act, with small and locally owned businesses. Check out the complete report to learn more.
Applications for the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Due April 21st

The National Park Service is currently accepting applications for the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants program. The program supports the rehabilitation of historic properties and helps to foster economic development in rural communities across the country. The program was established in 2018 as a subgrant of the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF). The first round of funding supported 9 projects in rural communities across the country. Preservation Action continues to advocate for funding this important program. We're urging Congress to fund the program at $10 million for fiscal year 2021, an increase of $2.5 million over current levels. 

The program is open to States, Tribes, Certified Local Governments, and nonprofits. Applications are due April 21, 2020 and can be submitted through, under funding opportunity number P20AS00037.

Celebrate National Park Week Virtually April 18-26th

National Park Week kicks off tomorrow and while things will look a little different this year, the National Park Service still encourages you to Find Your Virtual Park. National Park Week runs from April 18-26 and national parks across the country are offering numerous ways you can connect with the parks through digital experiences. 

Take a virtual tour of a National Park, including several historic sites, check out some of the live programs and events, and keep your kids entertained with educational and distance learning opportunities.

"Although much has changed in recent weeks, an assortment of fun and engaging digital National Park Week events can help people connect to our shared heritage and natural landscapes," said David Vela, National Park Service Acting Director. 

Preservation Action
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW #313
Washington, DC 20006
p. 202-463-0970

Preservation Action is the only national  non-profit dedicated exclusively to lobbying for the best preservation policies at the federal level. We seek to make historic preservation a national priority by advocating to all branches of government through a grassroots constituency empowered with information and training.