The Lord will keep
your going out and
your coming in from this time on and forevermore.”

-Psalm 121:8

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, once famously said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Today is the normal final date for citizens of the United States to “pay the piper”— that is, to take care of the taxes due our government. It is fairly predictable that we do it once a year. But death—and especially the time of our death-- is totally unpredictable. That is why many Christians leave it in God’s hands.
When was a child my Dad and my brothers and I played a little game in the car while we waited for our Mom to shop. As we three sat in the backseat we would alternately put one hand up on the top of the front seat and our father would try to slap it gently. Then we would reverse the game and we would try and slap his hand before he drew it back. I remember how my farmer Dad’s hands were so rough. I also remember how comforting it was to hold his hand at that time.
To say death is in God’s hands is comforting to us. For me it says that “just as God brought us into the world safely so God will have more in store for us in the next world.” God will watch over our going out, just as God watched over our coming in, keeping us safe and secure in God’s hands. Although the prospect of leaving this world (and our family and friends) for the next world seems unwelcome, as Christians we are comforted by knowing “He has the whole world in His hands…. He has you and me brother (sister) in His hands…He’s got the whole world in His hands.”
Knowing God’s loving and sovereign nature, we can trust God as much as we trusted our fathers and mothers when we were little.
“Heavenly Father, help us as your children to put our hand in your hand and trust in you always. Amen.”

Additional readings for today: Psalm 118;1-2, 14-24, Colossians 3:12-17 

Pastor Roger Black