Dear Prayer Partner,

In April our Bible a Month calendar is focusing on Lebanon.

Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country bordering Syria, Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon has a rich culture and history. It also has both snow-topped, mountainous terrain and beautiful Mediterranean coastline within close proximity.

The Bible society in Lebanon has projects working among children, creating engagement resources for young people, supporting churches and work among refugees fleeing war. 

In this Extra Insight we'll share more about the work among refugees and how the Bible Society in Lebanon is providing Scripture alongside practical help.

Given the current global pandemic, Corona Virus, activity by the Bible Society of Lebanon will be restricted. The impact of Corona Virus in a refugee camp where people live in close proximity is catastrophic. In times of crisis and uncertainty God's Word is essential to bring hope and peace.


Capital: Beirut

Population: 5,469,612 (July 2020 est.)

Official language: Arabic

Religion: Muslim 61.1%, Christian 33.7%, Druze 5.2%

Statistics and map taken from The World Factbook and Operation World .

Ministry in Lebanon

Lebanon is a majority Muslim country. There is a lot of discrimination against Christians and it can be hard to practice the Christian faith. Many Christians feel desolate and alone. However, the Bible Society is uniquely positioned that they can serve the church as a whole and provide the Word of God to those who need it, as well as advocating for the Christian faith.

To help churches, they regularly visit with church leaders to find out how they can support them in their ministry. By supporting churches, the Bible society in Lebanon can strengthen Christians and help them to remain a str ong witness in their country. They encourage them to remain rooted in the gospel and to stand firm in their faith, so that every Christian may have the confidence to proclaim the word of God to the people around them in their society. 
Working with Refugees - Lebanon
Ongoing war in surrounding Syria and Iraq has meant that many people have had to flee their homes and are now refugees in Lebanon. Families live in refugee camps, often without access to basic necessities.

The Bible society in Lebanon is working alongside the local church to reach out to these people. They provide families with care packages which include food medicines and supplies. These packages also include a children’s Bible, gospel portion, New Testament and colouring book. For many people this may be their first experience of the Bible and engaging with it's message.

One of our colleagues from the Bible society in Lebanon, Youanna, described her recent trip to a refugee camp, where she helped to distribute these care packages. She describes children running to them excitedly when they entered the camp, eager to see what they had brought. She spoke with them and ask them about their families and life in the camp. Then, when it was time to distribute their packages, families formed an orderly queue and received their packages, thanking Youanna and the other volunteers. She described as families walked away with their packages in hand, how they would already be opening it and pulling out the scriptures, beginning to read.

The local churches are involved in distributing these care packages and are charged with following up with the families who receive them. It is our prayer that through this work many people would be touched by the light of the Gospel and that they would find true hope in Jesus Christ. 
" My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. ""
John 4:34 (NIV)
Pray for this Project:

  • Pray that each copy of Scriptures being distributed will bring joy and encouragement to the refugee families. Pray that many will come to know Christ.

  • Pray that many will take the Bible back to their homes and share the message with others. Pray that the message of the Gospel would spread throughout these camps.

  • Pray for the situation in the Middle East That has caused these people to flee their homes. Pray that God would bring peace to that part of the world through his Word.

  • Pray for Lebanon and all of the people who live there as they face Corona Virus, pray for the staff and volunteers of the Bible Society as well as Church leaders as they continue to reach people with God's Word.

Every £5 donated to this project will help the Bible Society in Lebanon to provide refugees with essential supplies and Scripture.

Make a donation online now.

This project is our Bible-a-Month project for April. Decide to become a Bible-a-Month partner today! You will receive a free calendar with information about this and 11 other Bible Society projects. Commit to giving just £5 each month and you will ensure that the Word of God is shared across the world. Sign up here.

27 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6NB
028 9032 6577 Charity Reg. No. NIC102557

Header image shows young boys in a refugee camp who have received Scripture through this project.
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