April 2020
A Message From Us
As you are all aware, these are uncertain and unprecedented times. We know that many of you are scrambling to continue business as usual while working from home and trying to make sense of all the program and regulatory changes surrounding the housing market.

At this time, there is a renewed importance on what home means to all of us and the security it brings to us as we shelter in our homes with our families for both the safety of ourselves and the safety of our communities.

We are honored to have worked with so many of you to make buying a home possible for so many. We may not know how much longer we face the uncertainty of this pandemic affecting us all, but know that we are here for you now, and we will continue to be here once things return to normal and this is all just a memory.

If you need anything from us - information about operating procedures, help with questions surrounding loans in the pipeline, etc. - please reach out to us by emailing Tony Lee at .
Congratulations to Our FY20, 2nd Quarter Leading Lenders
Each quarter, AHFA recognizes the top loan officers who are closing the most deals using AHFA homeownership programs: Step Up, Affordable Income Subsidy Grant, and Mortgage Credit Certificates.

The top 3 Leading Lenders for Fiscal Year 2020, 2nd Quarter are, in alphabetical order:

We would usually present the Leading Lenders with a certificate and some goodies, but the current conditions do not allow for a visit. So, we've asked them when they get there certificates to take a selfie or ask someone to take a picture of them. We've already gotten a picture from Sally (see below) and hope to receive one soon from Jonathan and Jamie. When we do, we'll share them on our social media channels and in our next Monthly Update email.

Congratulations again to Sally, Jonathan, and Jamie. We appreciate you all!
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