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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                 December, 2013
In This Issue
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
International Family Nursing Conference News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
IFNA Listserv
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Message from Dr. Carole Robinson, Canada 

Acting President 


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


At our conference in Minneapolis, Marcia Van Riper stepped down as President of IFNA and Kit Chesla took up the position. At that time, I became President Elect. In September, Kit needed to temporarily step down as President to take care of a health concern and I became the Acting President. I must tell you that following in the footsteps of Marcia and Kit is definitely a challenge. However, Kit has remained actively involved in the organization and I have also had wonderful support from Marcia as the Past President, your very able board of directors, and our management company.

As I have been thinking about this message, I began to wonder "What would you most like to know about me?" I have been so fortunate to meet many of you at our International Family Nursing Conferences over the years.

Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar, Faculty of Nursing, University of Navarra, Spain, is the principal investigator of an educational training program for practicing nurses who are providing care to a dependent family member in Spain.

Click here for more Family Nursing Practice News.


Faculty at Minnesota State University, Mankato, School of Nursing, Mankato, Minnesota, USA
have developed knowledge about the use of simulation in teaching/learning family nursing practice skills. They will be teaching a 3-day workshop: "Teaching Family Nursing Institute",
June 2-4, 2014.

Click here for more Family Nursing Education News.

Dr. Birte stergaard,Research Unit of Nursing, University of Southern Denmark,
is the principal investigator of a family intervention study focusing on nurses who are providing care to Danish families experiencing heart failure.
Click here for more Family Nursing Research News.


The Conference Planning Committee, co-chaired by Dr. Janet Deatrick and  
Dr. Kathy Knafl is working closely with colleagues Dr. Margareth Angelo and  
Dr. Regina Szylit from S�o Paulo Brazil to finalize the date for the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in 2015.

Check out the growing Conference Photo Gallery from IFNC11. 
Current IFNA Membership is at 413 from 26 Countries.

Create your Profile in the Online Family Nursing Community on the IFNA website so that all IFNA members will know about your unique work and interests in family nursing.

The Family Nursing Society of Thailand launched the
The Danish Family Nursing Association was founded on
May 28, 2013
Do you know that you have access to over 400 IFNA members from around the world with a click of a button.  Any IFNA Member can post to the listserv. The listserv can be accessed by sending an email to international-family-nursing-association@googlegroups.com.

When sending a message, please be sure to include your personal contact information so that members can respond to you directly.

Please do not "reply all" to listserv messages, doing so often causes multiple, unnecessary, emails to ALL members.
Generous sharing of news about each other's work and ideas
will increase the connections within
our global IFNA family nursing community.