The next #IFNAchat will focus on the IFNA Position Statement on Pre-Licensure Family Nursing Education on May 18/19, 2016. Watch your inbox for more details and please participate in this unique family nursing conversation. It's easy and inspiring to connect with family nursing colleagues around the world (in short 140-character messages).
New IFNA Blog The IFNA Communications Committee also launched a new IFNA Blog. Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) serves as the IFNA Blog Editor. Short blog posts from IFNA members related to family nursing are invited.
Dr. Sarah Neill (United Kingdom) conducts research about the experiences of families when young children are acutely ill at home. She uses qualitative methods to develop understanding about parent's decision making about when to seek help.
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Dr. Tom Laws (United Kingdom) studies fathers' skills and competencies in caring for a child with a health problem. His research focuses on men's health and fatherhood.
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One of the major purposes of the
Resource Advancement Committee (RAC) is to continue to raise funds for the 13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13) in Pamplona, Spain and we are seeking IFNA members' ideas about creative ways to enhance sponsorship for IFNC13. Successful fund raising has been key to the success of all these international conferences which began in 1988.
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Family Research: Conceptual and Methodological Issues, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) with Kathleen Knafl, Marcia Van Riper, George Knafl, and Janet Deatrick, June 20-23, 2016. [Register now] (10% discount for IFNA members with early registration)
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