The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
September 2018

Dear CTEWC Friends,

It was a gift to be with so many of you in Sarajevo in July for our third international conference. Thank you for your engagement there throughout the weekend. Special thanks to James Keenan, SJ and Linda Hogan for their invaluable leadership over the years, celebrated there as they concluded service as co-chairs. We have made links to press coverage of the conference available on our website and the conference poster web gallery continues to expand. Conference photos provided by Jan Jans and MT Dávila are available for viewing and downloading on the Sarajevo conference page as well; Jan reports that very soon a full, edited set of his photos will be available as well in the same Dropbox now linked to that page. We are very grateful for this service.

In this issue you will find a call for papers from the Journal of Moral Theology looking to publish essays from Sarajevo's concurrent sessions. Thank you to editor Jason King for this opportunity to extend the reach of the conference.

Essays from Ellen Van Stichel in Belgium and Shawnee Daniels-Sykes in the US in this month's Forum offer reflections on the conference. We also hear from Claudia Leal on the situation in the Chilean church, Anthony Egan, SJ on land reform in South Africa, and from Hoa Dinh on demonstrations in Vietnam against proposed economic zones.

We are pleased to announce that with this issue we inaugurate a sixth Forum column in The First at the initiative of the new scholars' committee. See the inaugural essay by Anne Celestine Achieng Oyier Ondigo and Alexandre A. Martins to learn more about the new Junior Scholars Forum. Existing Forum coordinators are also expanding their author lists, we will introduce the new contributors next month. During several continental discussions in Sarajevo, participants expressed a desire to engage more online in light of Forum essays, so we encourage you to post comments and questions to various Forum entries to spark such conversations.

Following the latest CTEWC book's launch in Sarajevo, we are pleased to announce that Pablo Blanco's chapter, "'The theology of the 'End of the World': rethinking theological ethics from the existential peripheries," has been awarded with the 2018's Research Stimulus Prize of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Congratulations to Pablo and to all who contributed to

We mourn the passing of Clement Campos, C.Ss.R., who died on August 28 from pancreatic cancer. Clement served on CTEWC's planning committee in advance of the Trento conference.

Let us pray, too, for all those who have been devastated by the floods in Kerala and for our church that has much to grapple with and much to reform. We are particularly mindful of victims of clergy sexual abuse at this painful time.

Kristin Heyer
Shaji George Kochuthara, CMI
Andrea Vicini, SJ
Featured Forum Articles:

Anne Celestine Achieng Oyier Ondigo,
Alexandre A. Martins, 

Obituary for  Clement Campos,  C.Ss.R , by Joseph Royan,  C.Ss.R
Dear Friends in Christ,

It is hard to put to words the great legacy of Fr. Clement. I hope I do justice.

Alphonsus Clement Campos was born in Hyderabad on 19 th December, 1946 to late Mr.  Francis John Campos and Late Mrs. Lena Campos. He was the youngest of 10 brothers Late  Regis, Fr. Gerard Campos, Emile, Late Bruno, Joseph, Claude, Mario, Eugene and Felix and  5 sisters Marilla, Leila, Anne, Pauline and Bernadette. Most of them are here with us this  morning. Mrs. Lena Campos was in her ninth month of pregnancy when she had gone to  attend her son Gerard Campos' first profession into the Congregation of the Most Holy  Redeemer. The then rector gave Mrs. Lena Campos the relics of St. Alphonsus, St. Clement  and St. Gerard and asked her to pray to them for safe confinement. She later went to the Icon  of our Mother of Perpetual help and prayed to her saying, "If it is a boy child, he is yours."  This the mother revealed to the family much later after Clement joined the congregation. No  wonder Clement received the names of two of our Redemptorist saints, our founder St.  Alphonsus Maria De Liguori and St. Clement Mary Hofbauer.

Clement was keen on joining the Redemptorists soon after his schooling. His mother seemed  to have said to him wittingly, just because you are named after Alphonsus and clement  doesn't mean you have to join the Redemptorists. His father wanted Clement to join later,  but Clement was persistent. He joined the congregation of the Most holy redeemer on 10th  June, 1963. He made his first profession on 2nd August, 1964 and his final profession on  2nd
August, 1968. He was ordained a priest on 25th July, 1971.

In his early days as a young priest Clement worked in the north of India, especially in our  community at Lucknow where he preached and worked in Hindi. Fr. Clement was later sent  to do his master's in theology at JDV, Pune and later to complete his doctoral studies in  Moral Theology with a specialization in Bio-Medical Ethics from the Alphonsian Academy  in Rome. He served the province of Bangalore under various capacities. He was a provincial  Vicar and Second counsoltor, Rector of Mt. St. Alphonsus and St. Gerard's community, Co- pastor of Holy Ghost church, Editor of Breaking the Word, Dean of Studies, Prefect and  Socious of the Theologate and Pastoral year director training young priests for ministry. He  has been several times moderator of our provincial chapters and very recently of the General  chapter. He has also been a member of the Doctrinal Commission of the Conference of  Catholic Bishops of India, President of the Association of Moral Theologians of India,  member of the bioethics forum and co-founding member of the association of Catholic  doctors in Bangalore.

Clement imbibed in his life and ministry the very spirit of our founder St. Alphonsus. Like  our founder St. Alphonsus, Clement was a gifted musician, singer and composer, a great  moral theologian after St. Alphonsus the patron of Moral Theologians, A great writer,  brilliant Preacher and a wonderful pastor reaching out to all sections of the society both  young and old, rich and poor.  1. As a musician, singer and composer: Clement used this gift to evangelize and to  communicate God's love to all. Among his compositions, his most famous one is
undoubtedly, "The World Stands in need of Liberation my Lord" a hymn seeking the  intervention of God to bring justice and liberation of the poor and downtrodden. In this  very church Clement sang the passion narrative on Good Friday for so many years, the
exultet on Easter vigils, the litany of saints on important occasions. He taught us  redemptorists, liturgical music for years and helped us to appreciate the place of music in  sacred liturgy.

2. Respected Moral theologian of India: Fr. Clement is one of the most respected moral  theologians of India and a brilliant teacher. He has taught in most of the major seminaries  in India and Singapore. Clement spent a great deal of his life teaching with passion  Moral theology for more than 25 years. Almost 3/4 th of our present redemptorist in India  and good number of the priests in India were taught by Fr. Clement. He taught us to be
persons of integrity, to do what is always morally right and to be pastorally sensitive and  caring to the needs of others especially the most abandoned poor. He has written more  than 15 articles in some of the leading journals in India and abroad. His last article on
"Laudato Si" was published in Theological Studies which is one of the most prestigious  international journals on Moral Theology. Soon we will be bringing out a collection of  his writings.

3. As an eloquent preacher of God's word: Fr. Clement is undoubtedly one of our best  preachers. His zeal for God's word was always tempered with God's mercy and love.  There was great depth in his content, his sermons were always inspiring and challenging
us to lead a better life. He was not only a wonderful preacher, but he also trained so  many of us Redemptorists to be good preachers.

4. As a pastor after the spirit of St. Alphonsus: he was sensitive to the needs of others.  He cared and counselled those who came to him in need. He was always available for  confessions, blessings, reaching out to those who were wounded due to a broken
relationship or battered by domestic abuse. He has prepared so many for the sacrament  of Marriage, blessed so many marriages and journeyed with so many married couples  encouraging them to live their calling. He also cared for the sick and the dying and
prepared them to meet the Lord. There have been so many messages pouring in on my  facebook page of what Fr. Clement meant to each one of them and how he has made a  difference in their lives.

5. As a fellow brother and confrere: Fr. Clement has been a wonderful friend and  companion to many of us. He had a great sense of humour and in all our community  gatherings it was never a dull moment with Clement around. He knew how to lighten
things through his wits. On missions he was a great companion to work with, always  there to encourage, to teach, to guide and share his knowledge with his companions. He  was a person of integrity, humble, prayerful and committed to his vocation as a  Redemptorist.
In the first week of June this year, Fr. Clement complained of back pain.  He consulted  Orthopaedic Dr's. Srinivas and Chandy. Even after treatment the pain persisted. It was only  then, that he was asked to do a series of tests including MRI of the bones as well. It was only  when the bone scan was done that the doctors found traces of cancer. With the advice of Dr.  Kenneth, he was admitted in Cytecare Cancer hospital on 20th July. Bone marrow test and
biopsy were done to trace the primary source of cancer. On 25th July which happened to be  Fr. Clement's 47 th anniversary of Ordination, the tests confirmed it was pancreatic cancer  which had spread to the bones. Clement on that very day sent a message to the province and  to all his friends and family members, that he had accepted his cancer as God's invitation to a  new way of participating in his Redemption. Requesting us to pray that he will be faithful till  the end. He was given 6 to 12 months to live. The doctors started the radiation but before  chemo could be given, jaundice had already set in. The doctors tried to do a complicated  procedure but was a failure because the tumour was big and hard. He was brought back  home. Later after two days at the advice of Dr. Kenneth he was admitted in St. John's. He  was brought back home to his community at St. Gerard's on the 16 th of August where he was  under palliative care. On 28 th August on the feast of St. Augustine, a great theologian and  doctor of the Church at about 12.50 PM in the company of his confreres and family members  Fr. Clement breathed his last.

In my last meeting with Fr. Clement I said to him, "dear Fr. Clement you mean a lot to all of  us" and Fr. Clement replied back by saying, "the congregation means a lot to me." So true,
the congregation meant everything for Fr. Clement, he was a true son of St. Alphonsus,  faithful till the end. Farewell good and faithful servant, you have fought a good fight, you  have finished the race and you have kept the faith.  Dear Fr. Clement, we thank you for everything you have been to each one of us. For your  great witness of faithfulness to God and to the congregation. May the Lord and our blessed  Mother, whom you loved so very much in your life with St. Alphonsus our founder, St.  Clement Hofbauer your patron, St. Gerard Majella, St. John Neumann and all our blessed  Redemptorists welcome you into the eternal kingdom of peace and happiness. Farewell dear  Fr. Clement, until we meet again in God's heavenly home.

Latin America Regional Report
Por Emilce Cuda
Con motivo de cumplirse los 50 años de la Segunda Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano en Medellín, toda América Latina y el Caribe esta de festejos.

En Medellín nace la Filosofía y la Teología Latinoamericana de la Liberación, la cual aporta al mundo como novedad un "Nuevo Punto de Partida", a saber: lo real y concreto de nuestros pueblos. El método teológico latinoamericano, "VER-JUZGAR-ACTUAR", permitió -y permite- a los teólogos que adhieren a él, tomar contacto directo con la realidad y construir desde allí, a posteriori, los conceptos teológico-pastorales que, luego de discernir desde los principios evangélicos, permiten elaborar un plan de acción que tiene como Opción Preferencial a los Pobres.

Uno de los eventos centrales fue el congreso realizado por el CELAM en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, la última semana de agosto, al que asistieron cerca de setecientas personas. También hubo un evento en conmemoración organizado por ICALA (Instituto de Colaboración entre América Latina y Alemania) realizado también en agosto en la ciudad de Bogotá. El ultimo día de agosto comenzó en la UCA de El Salvador el congreso organizado por Amerindias. Esto son solo algunos de los eventos realizado en el mes de agosto a los que habrá que sumar los que ya están planificados de aquí hasta fin de año, sin olvidar los que ya se han realizado. Casi todos los famosos teólogos de la liberación han participado de uno o dos de estos eventos, sumándose una nueva generación de teólogos que siguen su mandato.
A la clausura del congreso realizado por el CELAM en Medellín, los teólogos allí presentes repudiaron los ataques al Papa Francisco:

Del 19 al 21 de septiembre se llevará a cabo en San Pablo el 3 Congreso Internacional sobre Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Del 18 al 21 de septiembre se realizará en Mendoza, Argentina, La Semana de la Teología, organizada por la SAT (Sociedad Argentina de Teología).
Premio Estímulo a la Investigación 
El capítulo de Pablo A. Blanco titulado "The theology of the 'End of the World': rethinking theological ethics from the existential peripheries" ha sido reconocido con el Premio Estímulo a la Investigación 2018 de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA).
El capítulo forma parte del libro dirigido por Antonio Autiero y Laurenti Magesa que fuera presentado en la reciente conferencia de la CTEWC en Sarajevo, y que lleva por título"THE CATHOLIC ETHICIST IN THE LOCAL CHURCH", editado por Orbis Books, New York (USA).
Pablo A. Blanco  (miembro de CTEWC Latinoamerica) es uno de los 25 autores del libro, que se propone articular miradas y propuestas diversas sobre el quehacer de los eticistas católicos en sus países y en sus distintos campos académicos de pertenencia.
El Premio Estímulo instituido por la tiene como objetivo reconocer la producción académica destacada de los profesores en las áreas de su especialidad.

North America Regional Report
The North American Regional Committee is excited to begin work in earnest on the four goals  we decided upon in Sarajevo. Our four goals are:

1) Organize a conference that spans the U.S./Mexico border. In light of the serious human  rights abuses that have been occurring at the U.S. border under the Trump  administration, we want to hold a conference that addresses the crises at the border  from both academic, and practical, pastoral perspectives.

2) Adjunct development. We want to find resources to assist adjunct and contingent  faculty members to take a larger role in CTEWC, and other professional organizaitions.  We want to support adjunct and contingent faculty in their scholarly goals. 

3) Website development. We want to assist the CTEWC co-chairs to make the website  even more useful than it already is.

4) Increase the work of public theology among our members. We want our work in ethics  to make a greater impact on the world outside the academy. We want to engage our  local, regional, and national communities, using the skills and tools of theological ethics  to make our communities more just and peaceful.

The North American Regional Committee Co-Chairs, Anna Floerke Scheid and Toby Winright,  want to welcome all North American CTEWC members to sign up, using the link below, to work  on these goals. 

Last but not least, we want to draw your attention to the theme of the 2019 annual meeting of  the College Theology Society (CTS):  "All the Ends of the Earth:" Challenges and Celebrations of  Global Catholicism. The timing for this theme after our Sarajevo meeting could not be better!   The Ethics section, co-chaired by Kari-Shane Davis ( [email protected] ) and Nancy Rourke
( [email protected] ), is interested in proposals for panels or papers that engage the  Sarajevo conference or the CTEWC network's work through its international and  regional conferences from 2006 forward for the benefit of the College Theology Society's 2019  meeting. The official call for papers is not posted yet on the CTS's website, but it should be up  quite soon. The deadline for proposal will be in December. The 2018 annual meeting of the CTS  will be held at the College of Mount Saint Vincent, Bronx, New York, on Thursday night, May 30,  to Sunday, noon, on June 2. (The Justice and Peace section, we suspect, will also be a relevant  venue for some of us.) For updates, check . We'll also post an  update in an upcoming issue of The First.

Call For Papers
The Journal of Moral Theology is looking for papers presented at concurrent sessions of the Third International Conference of the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, held in Sarajevo 2018.

Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2018
Sensus Fidei, Sesus Fidelium and the Magisterium
Call for Papers: 

Association of Moral Theologians of India (AMTI)
Annual Meeting and Conference
19-21 October 2018
Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bengaluru 560029
Call for Papers:

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
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Kristin Heyer



Jacob McErlean


([email protected])