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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                 February, 2014
In This Issue
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Family Nursing Knowledge Translation: Iceland

The Landspitali University Hospital Family Nursing Implementation Project  (2007-2011) is an unprecedented knowledge translation study where family nursing was systematically implemented on every unit of a large 900 bed university hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland. Led by Dr. Erla Svavarsdottir, University of Iceland the project examined family and nurse outcomes of offering an educational intervention to practicing nurses. Nurses were taught family nursing practice skills which included a brief therapeutic conversation intervention based on the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models (Wright & Leahey, 2013).  The project also included the psychometric development of two new research instruments. A list of all of the known publications from this project is featured in this blog post.

Left to right: Dr. Erla Svavarsdottir with current and former doctoral students: Margaret Gisladdotir, Dr. Eydis Sveinbjarnardottir and
Anna �lafia Sigurdardottir   


Dr. Romy Mahrer-Imhof, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland,
and her team have developed a nurse-led consultation service for families of the elderly in the city of Winterthur: "Familie und Alter: FamilienBeratung" (FamBer) [Family and age: Family consultations].

Click here for more Family Nursing Practice News 
The Teaching Resources Sub-committee of the IFNA Education Committee is specifically seeking family nursing teaching resources that have been developed or adapted by members of the family nursing community (i.e. skill based training programs/courses, syllabi, videos/DVDs) for sharing on the education resources component of the IFNA website. Please contact Jane Karpa (karpaj@brandonu.ca), co-chair of the Teaching Resources Subcommittee if you are interested in submitting a teaching resource.

Watch these video productions of Wilma Schroeder, Red River College, Canada, talking about her innovative ideas for teaching family nursing:
Click here for more Family Nursing Education News.

Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar, University of Navarra, Spain and her team are leading a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational training program for practicing nurses based upon the Calgary Family Assessment Model and Calgary Family Intervention Model. The practice of nurses, following the educational intervention, will be examined for ability to care for families who have a dependent member.  Watch the IFNA video production of Dr. Garcia-Vivar talking about her research project.

Click here for more Family Nursing Research News 
Create your Profile in the Online Family Nursing Community on the IFNA website so that all IFNA members will know about your unique work and interests in family nursing.

IFNA Communications Survey
A survey will be sent out February 14th to each IFNA member asking for information about the social media channels you use and your preferences for communication between the IFNA organization and IFNA members.  Your participation and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

IFNA partners with The Glen Taylor Institute for Nursing and Society and the University of North Carolina School of Nursing to offer a discount to IFNA Members
IFNA members receive a discount on the registration fee for two special summer institutes which will be held in June 2014.  Click here for more information.
Generous sharing of news about each other's work and ideas
will increase the connections within
our global IFNA family nursing community.