The Breslov Bridge
Terumah - Rosh Chodesh Adar 5780
LIVE SHIUR TODAY in Likutey Moharan - Sunday, 28 th of Shevat (Feb. 23rd), 4:30 pm ISRAEL, 9:30 am EDT. Join us!
Rosh Chodesh Adar is two days, beginning this Monday evening, Feb. 24th. Time for lots of simcha! Chodesh tov umevorach wishing you a good month filled with many blessings!
Text: Likutey Halakhos, Orach Chaim 1, Birkhas HaShachar 5, Paragraph 45. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
The Castle of Water (Audio, 42:59)
Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z"l speaks about the meaning of the sixth beggar's tale in Rebbe Nachman's story, "The Seven Beggars". Based on Sichos HaRan 149.
" The month of Shevat corresponds to the Tribe of Asher ... "
Bnei Yissachar

Asher's land is excellent for growing olive trees. Moshe Rabbeinu 's blessing to this tribe: "Blessed among the sons is Asher. He will be accepted with his brothers, and he shall dip his foot in oil..." ( Bereishis /Genesis 33:24).
We're happy to welcome all who have signed up to begin the registration process! If you're not married and would like to benefit from a shidduch service under the auspices of Rabbi Maimon, just click the link above to receive an application. There’s no charge. Looking forward to sharing good news!
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