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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                 October, 2014
In This Issue
History of the IFNCs
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
12th International Family Nursing Conference
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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History of the
International Family Nursing Conferences

 The 1st International Family Nursing Conference was held May 24-27, 1988 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and chaired by Dr. Lorraine Wright, University of Calgary. There were 450 participants from 15 countries.  

The 11th International Family Nursing Conference, held June 19 - 22, 2013 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, was the first official meeting of the International Family Nursing Association  There were 433 participants from 27 countries.

Information about the history of the International Family Nursing Conferences includes conference statistics and links to archived Conference Programs and Abstracts from all previous conferences.

Participants of the 1st International Family Nursing Conference with Dr. Lorraine Wright and Dr. Maureen Leahey.
Dr. Francine de Montigny, Canada is a professor at Universit� du Qu�bec en Outaouais and a Canadian Research Chair in Psychosocial Family Health. She was recently awarded the Insignia of Merit from the Order of Nurses of Quebec. The Insignia of Merit is the highest distinction conferred by the Order of Nurses of Quebec. Her scholarship is focused family health and fatherhood in the perinatal period.

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more]
The IFNA Education Committee would like to encourage IFNA members' participation on the Family Nursing Education online discussion forums.

For more IFNA Education News [Read more].
The IFNA Research Committee recently created three workgroups to maximize its impact.  

71 participants from 20 countries joined the free IFNA webinar, "Writing a Winning Abstract" that was offered in September 2014 by IFNA Research Committee co-chairs, Dr. Helene Moriartyand Dr. June Horowitz, USA.
The purpose of the webinar was to assist family nursing colleagues in preparing strong abstracts for the 12th International Family Nursing Conference and to increase the visibility and potential membership for IFNA. FREE ACCESS TO THE WEBINAR IS NOW AVAILABLE.

For more IFNA Research News [Read more]
12th International Family Nursing Conference

The time is now to engage in the upcoming conference! The call is now open for Abstracts for podium or poster presentations (due November 24, 2014).  Are you unsure of how to write an abstract?  Free access to the archived IFNA webinar, "Writing a Winning Abstract" is now available in either Webinar or PowerPoint formats.

Why is it important to submit an abstract for consideration?  First, through active participation in the 12th International Family Nursing Conference you are more likely to be eligible for funding that may be available to you through your workplace or through your grants.  Second, you can involve your colleagues as co-authors on your proposal and they may join you at the Conference.  Third, presentations at (international) conferences may be important to your professional goals or those of your organization for disseminating clinical practice, educational, or research projects.  Fourth, you can contribute to the growth of family nursing.  Your project doesn't need to focus on the entire "family unit" rather it may speak to the implications for the family and family nursing science.  Fifth and *most important* you will have fun as you meet new colleagues and explore Denmark!  Click here for more conference information.

The Call for Abstracts for the 12th International Family Nursing Conference in 2015 is open from October 1-November 24, 2014.
Current IFNA membership: 224 members from 23 countries.

The number of IFNA members who have developed an IFNA Online Community Profile has increased from 112-128 over the past month. Monitor how close we are to our goal of 100% participation by viewing the thermometer on the IFNA homepage