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Addressing Concerns About COVID-19
We know that many of you are fielding questions from patients and staff about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). What follows are some tips that may help you put people at ease.
First, your team may need to reassure some patients about coming to the practice. Emphasize sterilization and cleaning protocols used with every patient, remind patients that the clinical team uses protective equipment including masks and gloves, and everyone on the team follows a strict protocol for washing hands effectively. A great place for getting additional information is on the ADA website.

Second, if patients need to reschedule, now is a good time to relax policies that penalize cancellations. By showing extra understanding, you will ensure patients remain loyal to your practice.
Finally, it is normal to read stories about changes within the NBA, NCAA, and other organizations and wonder how that may translate to your practice. While we do not anticipate practice closures, we have had clients ask for additional information to share with their team. For more information, please be sure to visit your state or local government's website.     
We are all experiencing uncertainty as our communities work hard to keep us healthy. We can do our part by following the protocols put out by local health authorities and the Centers for Disease Control. If you need additional help with challenges facing your practice, please let us know.