School Ministry Update
Monday, March 16, 2020

Dear Partners in Education Ministry,
Greetings on this Monday morning – a new week and new opportunities to show the grace and the peace of the Lord with those whom we serve and work. I begin this day in prayer for you and the many decisions you are facing. I am confident that God will give you more than enough strength and wisdom for these days.
I am receiving lots of helpful information from those who serve schools. I am sharing them with you – and if any of this is helpful – please use it.
God’s blessings,
Alan Freeman (Missouri District) has shared a Preschool to Grade 12 Learning Plan from a friend who is superintendent of a public school system in Arkansas. It has a nice outline and wonderful links to resources. Please check it out. You will it on our web site . (Go to Resources, Schools)
It does not have a religion component to it, but you may want to utilize The Bible Projec t to the daily curriculum. 
An interesting resource to connect to parents and students is BombBomb video email . BombBomb is providing video email services free of charge to all schools.
From Kevin Creutz (Ohio District), we learn about free Zoom video conferencing f or schools.
An article in Forbes describes how you can get a free Zoom videoconferencing account with unlimited meeting minutes available. Zoom is a great videoconferencing tool to use, but usually their free basic account limits you to 40 minutes at a time when you host a meeting. If you click on this link, you can register for unlimited minutes for your schools, as long as you have a school email address associated with your school’s website domain. This could be something your teachers could use for classroom or student meetings, or something that you could use for staff meetings while our schools are closed. Zoom K-12 School Verification Form
Child Care Centers are considered part of essential services and are able to stay open during this time. You will want to take additional precautions. Some of the new responses for student and teacher well-being include the following:
·       Drop offs and pickups happen at the car.
·       Temperatures are taken and if a child has a 100.4 degree temperature or higher, they are not able to attend.
·       Only students, personnel, first responders, licensing representatives are allowed in the building.
·       Be vigilante regarding cleaning surfaces and toys.

In Christ,
Sally J Hiller