August 2018

Student Success: A Community Effort               
Over the years I've viewed back-to-school time through a variety of lenses.  I've been a student, a parent, and even a school social worker in Hillsborough County.  I've seen kids experience the joys of overcoming academic and life challenges, and the devastating impact trauma, bullying and poverty can have on a young person.

If I've learned one thing, it's this: Being a student isn't easy in today's world and there are so many things that impact a child's success in school and by extension, success as an adult.

Last week I had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker to over 800 Student Services staff from Hillsborough County Public Schools.  These are the individuals who provide emotional and educational support to local children.  The first thing I did was thank them for helping our kids.  The second thing I did was remind them that a network of support is available to students, teachers, and parents through a phone call to 2-1-1.

I think all of us know there is a tremendous burden placed on our schools.  Though the primary goal of school is education, crises and life challenges create barriers that can keep kids from achieving their full potential.

I attended the meeting last week to remind these Student Service rock stars that kids and families don't have to face their crisis alone, and that the burden of finding help doesn't solely rest on their shoulders.  The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay is the community's gateway to help, hope, and healing.  A simple phone call can start a process where emotional healing begins, addiction is overcome, and a financial ruin is averted.

In addition to my presentation, we made sure that each Student Services staff member received a box of 2-1-1 cards to provide to local students and families.  Over 150,000 cards were distributed at the event. Thanks to our Corporate Partner, TECO, for providing the funds to print these life-savings cards!

Hoping the kiddos in your life have a happy and healthy school year,
