Your tax dollars at work: A bi-weekly update on bond/override/construction
activity at SUSD schools.
Scottsdale Unified School District | Bond Update 4/21 /18

Thank you for signing up for updates on bond & capital override projects within SUSD. We are committed to transparency throughout this process.

SUSD has had questions about how potential school closures as a result of teacher walkouts could impact ongoing construction at schools. At this time, it does not appear that school closures would cause any delays. If schools were forced to close, construction would continue. 

If a school had to make up the days at the end of the year, it could delay the start of some abatement and demolition projects scheduled for summer at Hopi and Pima , but that would not delay the August opening of the classroom building at either school. 

At Cheyennethe gymnasium is done and ready for its first ever class of 8th grade graduates! Here is a drone shot of the beautiful new floors:

At Pima, construction crews got a fun surprise when they showed up to work this week. Students created these thank you messages, which were posted in windows near their work area. Great idea, Panthers!

FACT OR FICTION (dispelling construction rumors) 

One more run without rumors, and we may try to retire this section again! Thank you, and have a great weekend.
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