AIR Platform Issues
Today, all students in grades 5 - 8 were supposed to take Part II of the ELA/Reading AIR State Test.  The platform that AIR uses and students log into was not working properly, and students across the state were unable to test.  We did monitor the situation until approximately 9:00 AM, but at that time, neither AIR nor ODE representatives could provide us with specific information about when the site would be up and running.  Consequently, we determined not to test and classes and learning resumed as normal.  Our plan, providing the issue is fixed, is for students to take Part II of the reading test on Thursday.  As soon as more information is provided by AIR and/or ODE, I will send out another email confirming that we are going to test tomorrow.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, counselor, grade level principal, or me with any questions throughout the year.
