Agreement Establishes New Relationship Between Province and Conservation Authorities
NEWMARKET (April 18, 2018) A new relationship took shape yesterday with the signing of a Memorandum of Co-operation between the Province of Ontario and the 36 Conservation Authorities.

The agreement, signed on April 17, 2018 by the Honourable Nathalie Des Rosiers, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) and Don MacIver, Chair of Conservation Ontario, formalizes the long-standing partnership between the Province and Conservation Authorities to protect Ontarians from natural hazards such as flooding, and to ensure the health of Ontario's natural resources.

"The Memorandum of Co-operation is a follow up from the new Conservation Authorities Act passed last December," said Kim Gavine, General Manager of Conservation Ontario. "It reflects our commitment to consult and collaborate with each other more closely for effective natural resource management."

Ontario's 36 Conservation Authorities work in many different partnerships and collaborations with a variety of provincial ministries including MNRF, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

Conservation Authorities Contribute to Provincial Priorities
Conservation Authority programs contribute to a wide variety of provincial priorities including: climate change adaptation and mitigation, Great Lakes, sustainable growth, flood and other hazards warning and protection, protection and restoration of natural heritage (biodiversity), outdoor recreation, health and tourism, outdoor and other environmental education curriculum, water quality and quantity, environmental monitoring, reporting and the 'green' economy (jobs and programs).
For more information:
Kim Gavine, General Manager, Conservation Ontario
905-895-0716 ext. 231 
Jane Lewington, Marketing & Communications Specialist
905-895-0716 ext. 222