I am the most Pro- Life candidate and the 11th district congressional race! I promise to fight to abolish Roe vs. Wade if elected.
Pro- Life has no color, but being a black women in America I must take the time to address the issue of self-genocide in my community.
At one point where I currently live there were, not 1... not 2 but 4 abortion clinics on 1 street and now there's only 1. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of people like: Pastor Moss, Pastor Sanders, Molly- The Ohio Right to life and so many more… without people like them, there would have been a greater number of lives lost in district 11.
Did you know:
There has been at least 900,000 abortions in total this past year, including an estimated 325,000 Black American abortions, a bortion is the number 1 killer of Blacks in Americans.

Since the passing of Roe vs. Wade over 30,302,000 Black babies have been killed? The 2018 Census estimated the Black population at 41,747,217, which means over the last 47 years, almost the entire current Black population has been murdered.
 Now is that time to stand with me to put a stop to this genocide!
Did you know:
New studies show S.I.D.S (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) can be linked to mothers who had abortion(s) in the past?

 Ohio is ranked 45 th in the country when it comes to SIDS and both Cuyahoga county and Summit county have the highest abortion percentages in the state. The abortion percentage in Summit county is around 42% and Cuyahoga county at 64% these numbers included all women.
District 11 is having the majority of the abortions in the state of Ohio and it is time for it to end!
Join me in the fight for the unborn, if you elect me into congress, I will fight for the voiceless.

The Primary is this Tuesday March 17 th , 2020 request a Republican ballot