Coronavirus Update: Preparing for Distance Learning
March 12, 2020
Dear Saints families,

Thank you so much for your support as we navigate through this new experience. We are doing our very best to make thoughtful decisions while keeping our whole community in mind.

The majority of students in the elementary grades left with distance learning packets and should have what they need in the event that we are closed after spring break.

Middle school students may still need some books or their band instruments. If your student needs to come to retrieve any materials, then the school will be open from 8:30 am-12:00 on Friday.

Thank you for your support and prayers for all our saints.

Be not afraid... God is in Control!

In Him,
St. John Paul II Catholic School
1400 Parkway Plaza, Houston, TX 77077
281-496-1500 • 281-496-2943 (fax)

St. John Paul II Catholic School prepares all students spiritually
and academically to succeed in life and to do God's will.