CVSan General Manager Shares Value of CASA Membership
We’re thankful to our members! Their support enables our work to influence California’s clean water future. If you’re not a CASA member, we invite you to join as together we are stronger. Not sure about the value of membership? Here are a few words from CASA member Roland Williams, general manager of Castro Valley-based CVSan.
Roland Williams
CVSan, General Manager
“Membership in CASA gives us access to resources, information and support we would not otherwise have as a small agency with limited resources. CASA is the only association 100 percent dedicated to public wastewater agencies. With this comes education about wastewater scientific issues, innovation and evolving rules and regulations facing our industry – all through one source.

As a CASA member, we’re given the opportunity to affect laws and regulations. CASA listens to our input as they advocate on our behalf and other wastewater members on the state and federal levels. CASA also provides invaluable networking and information-sharing opportunities with other members. Together, we share insights, lessons learned and innovative solutions to help one another stay ahead of the curve regardless the challenge or situation. This benefit alone pays for our membership in CASA.”
CVSan is a community services district serving approximately 55,000 customers with wastewater and solid waste collection services. Roland has served as CVSan’s general manager for 15 years. He has been involved with CASA for 17 years and was recently appointed to serve on the board. 
Your Legislative and Regulatory Updates
Legislature to Recognize Water Professional’s Week
We are among the many water associations to support Senate Concurrent Resolution 80 , authored by Senator Bill Dodd. The resolution will formally declare the first week of October “Water Professionals Appreciation Week.” Stay tuned for promotional resources to come. 
Advocating for Our Members
CASA to Testify at Congressional Hearing 
We accepted an invitation to testify before the Water Resources Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on September 26. CASA and the Association of California Water Agencies will submit joint written testimony advocating for water and wastewater agencies. Las Virgenes Municipal Water District General Manager Dave Pederson will attend as a witness on behalf of both agencies.
CASA Again Urges U.S. EPA to Rethink Renewable Fuel Targets
In a recent letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, we expressed concern that certain draft 2018 volume targets for renewable fuels have been reduced from 2017 levels. These targets for cellulosic and advanced biofuel are an important factor in the feasibility of wastewater co-digestion projects. The targets are part of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard Program, which offers critical financial incentives for production of renewable transportation fuels. The proposed change would devalue the wastewater sector RINs, threatening the viability of some projects.
Little Hoover Commission Release Special Districts Report
The Little Hoover Commission released it’s much anticipated report to the Legislature and Governor on special districts in California on Wednesday, August 30. In it Special Districts: Improving Oversight & Transparency report , the Commission’s recommendations mainly focus on strengthening governance and funding for Local Agency Formation Commissions and expanding special district transparency. Working with the California Special Districts Association and the Association of California Water Agencies, we were directly involved in the shaping of the report.
Member News
Thanks for Joining us in San Diego
Our 62 nd annual conference in San Diego was a huge success thanks to our members and excellent speakers and panelists who joined us. Participants heard from State Controller Betty Yee, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and had great photo ops with Santa Rosa Water’s “Sewerman.” Presentations are available on our website. During the annual business meeting, the members elected five directors to serve on the board and approved the 2018 dues resolution.
Awards and Accolades 
Congratulations to the 2017 CASA Awards of Excellence winners! We honored eight CASA agency members and one associate member at the annual conference. Check out the complete list and worthy nominees.

Kuddos to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and West County Wastewater District. The Water Education Foundation will honor them as Utilities of the Future Today at its October Technical Exhibition and Conference. They are among 25 agencies nationwide to receive this accolade for their achievements as a forward-thinking, innovative water utilities providing resilient, value-added service to communities. Read more.

Congrats also goes out to the Inland Empire Utilities Agency. The Water Foundation recently presented the agency with a Gold rating for its Sustainable Water Management Profile.
CWEA Announces Emerging Leaders
The California Water Environment Association recently announced seven emerging leaders who are making outstanding contributions to the water profession. Nominated by their peers, five of the seven are from CASA member agencies. 
Mark Your Calendar
Register Today for Our Innovative Technology Seminars
Registration for the CASA/CWEA Biosolids and Renewable Energy Technology seminars is now open. Join us November 14 in Berkeley or November 15 in Irvine to hear from academic and technology researchers. You’ll learn about the resource recovery technologies and alternatives of the future. Register online by October 27 and save $20! This will sell out so please register early.  
Workshop Announcement: Renewable Natural Gas for California
Attend this free full-day workshop to learn more about renewable gas and its critical role in helping California achieve its greenhouse gas reduction and air quality goals. Cohosted by SoCalGas and Energy Vision, the workshop takes place October 5 in Sacramento. 
Event & Location
September 10-13
September 30 - October 4          
WEFTEC Chicago, IL
October 12
November 1 & 2
November 14 & 15
Innovative Technology Seminars Berkeley & Irvine
December 4              
BAC Member Meeting Oakland, CA
January 24-26             
CASA Winter Conference Palm Springs, CA
February 26-28