Healthy Schools BC Newsletter
April 2018

Stay Connected to the Healthy Schools Movement in BC

There are plenty of ways to stay connected to the healthy schools movement!

Follow DASH BC on social media for all of your healthy schools news and happenings.
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Grant Opportunities

United to End Bullying Grant
Deadline: April 23rd, 2018
Deadline: May 25th, 2018
Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing

Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing

View other healthy school grant opportunities here.

Get Moving to Canada's Play List!

Discover the ultimate Play List to get moving: 150 activities that define Canada's land and people.

Sign up and start tracking your activities for a chance to win great prizes!
Have a Great Story? We Want to Hear It!

We want to hear your Healthy Schools Stories!

Educators, students and community members across the province are working hard to create healthier schools and school communities.

Sharing your stories can help support and inspire others and viewing stories from other schools can do the same for you.

Check out the Healthy Schools Stories Map today!

Submitting an Article for the Newsletter

How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC?

To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC website here for submission dates and guidelines. 

Video of the Month

What are you supposed to do if you are a teacher who needs a minute to yourself to focus on your own well-being but you also have a class full of students who need your help?

The  "Tap In/Tap Out: Giving Teachers Time to Recharge" video by  Edutopia shows how important it is for school communities to focus not only on the mental health and well-being of their students but also that of their teachers.

At  Fall-Hamilton Elementary School in  Nashville, TN , they developed a system that allows teachers to take a quick break when they feel they need time to themselves to focus on their own well-being. This system allows teachers to text a colleague to ask them if they are able to cover their class for a short while so that they are able to go outside of their classrooms to destress and practice some self-care strategies. These teachers are then able to go back into their classrooms, refreshed and ready to teach and help out their students.
When teachers regularly practice self-care strategies, there is a positive impact on the mental health and well-being of students and teachers alike.
Watch the video here and find out more about Edutopia here.


The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC.

Our vision is that ALL children and youth in BC will realize their full potential as healthy learners who feel connected and engaged in their community.

We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach.

Click here to visit our website  for further information .   

1111 - 1030 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 2Y3


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Featured Article
April 22nd Is Earth Day
Providing opportunities for outdoor play at school is an important part of healthy living and a great way to celebrate the Earth!

This April, in honour of Earth Day on April 22nd, celebrate the many benefits of outdoor play at your school, including its ability to build resilience, creativity, inclusion, and leadership in students. Find out more:
DASH Updates
Sexual Health Education in Schools
Providing sexual health education to students gives them the tools and skills required to make informed choices and reduce risk

An empowered educator has tools at their disposal to enable their students to learn about sexual health. Resources are available for educators to increase their knowledge base on this subject. Find out more:

Action Schools! BC Update
Action Schools! BC Workshops
Explore and experience instructional examples and activities that can be used in the classroom or the school

Build your skills and confidence in addressing healthy eating and/or physical activity in your classroom and school by participating in an Action Schools! BC workshop. Workshops are free and available to all BC K-7 schools. At 2-3 hours in length, these workshops are perfect for your Professional Development Day programming. Find out more:

School Connectedness
"Just One Thing"
What is one thing you can do to build school connectedness in your school community?

School connectedness creates a school community where everyone feels safe, seen, heard, supported, significant, and cared for. Improve school connectedness in your school community by focusing on "just one thing". Find out more:

Healthy Schools Stories
Inquiry into the Environmental Impact of Consumerism
Story from Vernon Secondary School

The Social Justice 12 class at Vernon Secondary School used resources from the Be The Change Earth Alliance for their section on Consumerism and Sustainable Development. Students learned about Conscious Consumption and participated in inquiry-based learning on a number of topics. Taking part in a variety of tasks, including completing inquiries, volunteering within the community, and writing letters asking for specific action and changes in legislation was able to increase student learning and engagement. This led to class discussions, increased awareness about critical issues, and the implementation of important actions both inside and outside of the school environment. Find out more: ( Remember to check out the "Supporting Document" on the left of the linked story to read further into the inquiry by Vernon Secondary School.)
Each month, we highlight different Healthy Schools Stories. Have a story you would like to share? We want to hear from you! Click here to view the Healthy Schools BC Stories Map to read more stories and to submit your own.
Healthy Schools Resources
BC Dairy Association Nutrition Education Programs
Help make nutrition come alive in the classroom to make healthy eating achievable for all

Are you interested in teaching about healthy eating and nutrition but are unsure of where to start? The BC Dairy Association offers Nutrition Education Programs that support delivering B.C.'s new curriculum, and exploring cross-curricular connections. Find out more:
Healthy Schools Resources
April 21st-28th Is National Immunization Awareness Week
Kids Boost Immunity is a resource that empowers students to take action while learning about immunization

Celebrate  National Immunization Awareness Week in your classroom or school from April 21st-28th by trying  Kids Boost Immunity, a national education and advocacy initiative of the Public Health Association of British Columbia. This resource enables students to learn about important issues in immunization and global health while helping others at the same time. Find out more: