GABE GABEL Art Co-ordinator for the
restoration of the 100 year old
unrestored carousel
sanded unrestored horse
"Flash" a middle row horse
"Corporal" inside row horse

This is to introduce my current project, "THE CAROUSEL OF SMILES" here in Sandpoint Idaho.
Three years ago a couple brought two trailers full of a traveling fair carousel with the idea that if the people of the Sandpoint area helped restore it, it would become one of our area treasures. A lot of people got on board, including guess who. I'm having a ball!

This is truly an American Heritage. An about a 100 year old Hershell carousel. Very few of the completely wooden carousels still exist, many were destroyed or the horses sold off individually to collectors. WE GOT THE WHOLE DARN THING! including the original ticket booth. If you watch the video on our website, you will see that all the running gear still works. Okay, the canvas top was totally trash, but it has been sitting in those two trailers since 1952, mostly parked in a sheep pasture.

I always wanted to try to paint a carousel horse. I now have 36 of them to play with, and two chariots. Each horse has to be nearly completely rebuilt, broken legs, rotten wooden areas, many years of wear and tear while in use. Our wood workers are the greatest, but it takes months to repair each one. We want these to be able to delight riders for years to come.

We are restoring these to their original condition, although we cannot determine the actual paint that was on them. But we are using the original painting methods, layers and layers of oil based paint (however without the lead paint first used.) Lead paint has to be removed from all painted areas, new paintings done by area artists donating their work will ornament the interior panels and rounding boards.

Some of you remember the miniature carousel horses I did years ago. Volunteering to do a limited edition set of six of the horses in bronze for them is what started my involvement. You can see them, (and order one or all) on the CAROUSEL OF SMILES web site, or of course, you can contact me directly.

I won't be doing too many shows this year but you can always call or email me if you have any questions about my work. And in the meantime I may never get all the oil based paint out from underneath my fingernails.

Gabe Gabel 232 Cowboy Way Sagle Idaho 83860
208 265 9613 www.gabe gabel