Every ten years, the United States completes a Census count to determine the actual population of a region. This count is then used to decide representation in the government, community funding and provide additional data to help plan for the future.
While the official Census Day is April 1, starting in March 2020, Census postcards will be mailed to all area residents with instructions on how to complete the survey electronically. All information entered into the survey is confidential and will be sealed for 72 years.
Ensuring an accurate Census count is imperative to the overall health of the community and governmental funding. It is common for children under 5, college students, homeless individuals and other “hard to count” populations to be left out of the official count. However, it is key that everyone is counted once, only once, and in the right place. Individuals being counted at a specific residence should include anyone living and sleeping in that residence on April 1.
On average, 72% of people complete the Census. Luckily, there are many resources and organizations banding together to help promote the Census.
Help your community during the 2020 Census: