City of Cumming
March 2020
2020 Census: Every. One. Counts. Do Your Part!
If you haven't heard yet, the 2020 Census is underway and Census Day is just around the corner on April 1.

The U.S. Constitution requires that each decade a count, or census, is taken of the entire American population. The Census provides vital information for communities that helps to determine things like how many representatives each state gets in Congress, how district boundaries should be drawn, and how federal and state funding is provided for things like new roads, schools, emergency services, hospitals, public works, and other vital programs.

Completing the Census is mandatory for every household, those living away from home (such as students), and even those who are experiencing homelessness. It's an easy way to participate in our democracy and make sure that "Every. One. Counts." because everyone does count! Census forms can be completed and returned by mail or online. All information provided in the Census is protected - it's against the law for the Census Bureau to publicly release responses in any way that could identify any individual or household, and responses can only be used to produce statistics.

Beware of scammers - the Census Bureau will NEVER ask for:
  • Social Security numbers
  • Bank or credit card account numbers
  • Money or donations
  • Anything on a behalf of a political party

Click here for more information, such as important dates, Census FAQs, Census how-to's and language guides. For complete Census information, go to the official national Census website at
SAA Arts Center Grand Reopening on March 8
Renovations are complete at the Cumming Arts Center located in the historic Brannon-Heard House,  111 Pilgrim Mill Road. The Arts Center is open every Thursday - Saturday,   11 a.m. to 5 p.m .

A Grand-Reopening and Artists Reception event will be held on Sunday, March 8, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. and is open to the public. Come by and meet featured artist Art McNaughton, whose work is influenced by the pop artists, photo-realists, and abstract painters of the 1960s. Light refreshments will be available and McNaughton will be sponsoring a few giveaways during the event. 

The Cumming Arts Center is open to the public and offers a Visual Arts Program consisting of art exhibits in five galleries, monthly artists’ shows and receptions, artisan shop, open studio, art education and workshops for children and adults, as well as membership gatherings and outreach programs supporting the greater community. Click here for more information.
New Look for Cumming Police Department
The Cumming Police Department recently redesigned their uniform patches, which adorn the upper sleeve of all PD officers. The new patch design features elements that look similar to the City of Cumming's logo, which depicts a boat on Lake Lanier with green mountains in the background. The PD patch's center design is flanked by the American and Georgia state flags. Police Chief David Marsh said, when redesigning the patch, the department wanted something that would be a little more unique than the old design and would pull in features that more easily identify the area. Congratulations to the PD on their sharp new look!
New Name, Same Event: The Taste Returns April 11
The event formerly known as The Taste of Forsyth Along the Hospitality Highway has a new name for 2020. Now known simply as "The Taste," the beloved event returns to the Cumming Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 11.

Presented by Lou Sobh Honda and Lou Sobh Kia, The Taste provides an adventure in food sampling with dozens of local eateries participating. Patrons can purchase samples of everything from appetizers to entrees to desserts, and enjoy all types of cuisine from Italian to Mexican to BBQ - and everything in between!

Families can also enjoy music and other entertainment, games, activities, and three age-specific Easter egg hunts at 11:30 a.m. (ages 3 & under), 1 p.m. (ages 4-7), and at 2:30 p.m. (ages 8-10). Click here for more information about The Taste.
CAC Lifeguard Team Takes 1st Place

A Cumming Aquatic Center lifeguard team recently competed in the GRPA Winter Lifeguard Competition, held in Cherokee County. Sixteen teams from around the state competed and the Cumming Aquatic Center team took first place!

Teams took part in a variety of competitive events such as rescue board and rescue tube relays, CPR scenarios, swimming contests, recuse equipment tosses, and an aqua jog. The local team received a perfect score in two of the events: Deep-passive submerged victim removal and shallow spinal rescue with back boarding - both of which were judged on American Red Cross criteria.

Members of the first place team are: Antonio Villa (Team Captain), Will Byers, Ryan Gross, Talmage Woody, Pierce Tyner, Anne Torre, and Isabelle Cadeau. Congratulations to these outstanding Cumming Aquatic Center employees!
Aquatic Center Director Recognized in GRPA Magazine

Carla Wilson, Director of the Cumming Aquatic Center, was featured in the winter 2020 edition of the "Recreation & Parks in Georgia" magazine, a publication of the Georgia Recreation & Park Association (GRPA).

Carla, who has served as director of the Aquatic Center since the facility's opening in 2011, has worked in the aquatics profession from a young age. Her first job was as a pool cashier in her hometown of Thunder Bay, Ontario. That lead to becoming a lifeguard and swim instructor before receiving undergraduate and graduate degrees in the areas of psychology and kinesiology. Prior to her work with City of Cumming, Carla spent seven years working for the Disney Cruise Line as the recreation manager for their island in the Bahamas.

Congratulations to Carla for being recognized by the GRPA!
City Council Recognizes FBLA Students
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented proclamations honoring Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students from Denmark and South Forsyth high schools during their Work Session on Feb. 4th.

Also during the February Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Voted to set the advanced sale ticket prices for the 2020 Cumming Country Fair & Festival at $7 for adults (ages 11 & up). The advanced tickets will be available online and through the Fairgrounds' Office from Aug. 3 to Oct. 7.

  • Awarded a bid to John Plott Company, Inc. for water updates along a portion of Hwy. 369.

  • Awarded a bid to Vermeer Vactron for purchase of a valve vacuum trailer, and to John Megal Chevrolet for purchase of a Chevy 2500 4x4 to be used with the trailer for the Cumming Utilities' Valve Crew.

  • Awarded a bid to Don Jackson Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat for purchase of five police cruisers for the Police Department.

  • Approved a request from JW Property Group to apply a credit of up to $584,176 toward the portion of impact fees for streets and roads for developments on Webb Street. JW Property Group constructed Webb Street, connecting Canton Highway to Tribble Gap Road, at a cost of $584,176.

  • Approved a bid from Vertical Earth for construction of the Forsyth Central High School parking lot at the Cumming City Center.

  • Approved a conditional use permit for Clutch Automotive on Dahlonega Highway, including several conditions recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board.

  • Approved an annexation and rezoning request from Westshore Atlantic Realty Development, Inc. to annex and rezone 151.384 acres, which will consist of a 57.887-acre Planned United Development (PUD) mixed use project west of Market Place Boulevard, known as Westshore, and 93.497 acres east of Market Place Boulevard which will remain vacant at this time. Approval came along with several conditions recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board, and an additional condition added by City Council which will require the developer to install sidewalks on the project side of Turner Road.

  • Approved the low bid from Chestatee Ford for purchase of a F-550 4x4 for use by the Utilities Wastewater Department.

  • Approved a request to advertise for proposals for installation of 8-inch waterline along Rebel Road to replace existing and poorly functioning 2-inch water line.

Outdoor Shakespeare Event Returns to Mary Alice
After a successful event last fall, Resurgens Theatre Company returns to Mary Alice Park, 1820 Mary Alice Park Road, this month for the only outdoor "original practices" Shakespeare event in Georgia - the North Georgia Shakespeare Festival.

Join Resurgens on the shores of Lake Lanier for live performances of "Othello" at 5:30 p.m. on March 27-29 and April 3-5, and at 2 p.m. March 28-29 and April 4-5. Directed by Dr. Brent Griffin, Resurgens brings this compelling and often controversial domestic tragedy to local audiences. General admission is $15 (lawn seating - bring your own blanket or chair), and tickets will be available at the park gate on show days (ticket sales begin 90 minutes prior to showtimes). Shows will be held rain or shine, and coolers are allowed.

For more information, click here or email
SAA Arts Center Grand Reopening
When: March 8, 3-5:30 p.m.
Where: Sawnee Association of the Arts Downtown Art Center
Admission: FREE
What: Come see the newly renovated and revamped Sawnee Association of the Arts' Downtown Arts Center, located inside the historic Brannon-Heard House at 111 Pilgrim Mill Road. Light refreshments will be available, and the featured artist will be sponsoring a few giveaways.
Half-Price Family Friday
When: March 20, 2-6 p.m.
Where: Cumming Aquatic Center
Admission: 1/2 Off Daily Admission
What: Every third Friday of the month, the Cumming Aquatic Center offers 1/2 off daily admission costs for swimming in the indoor lap and instructional pools.
When: March 5-29, Thursday-Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m.
Where: School Street Playhouse (101 School Street)
What: The Tony Award-winning 2013 Broadway Musical Revival presented at the School Street Playhouse by Director Kyle Larsen and Choreographer Buddy Stotts. Join a talented troupe of singers, dancers, acrobats and gymnasts as they present this beloved classic!
Holi Hai Color Festival
When: March 15, 1-5 p.m.
Where: Cumming Fairgrounds
Admission: $5; Free Parking
What: Sewa International USA presents the 15th Annual Holi Hai Color Festival, the largest color festival in Georgia. Music by DJ Shaan, dancing, kids' play zone, Desi food, and more!
Youth Council Meeting - March 4 at 5 p.m. (rescheduled from usual date of first Tuesday)

City Council Work Session - March 3 at 6 p.m. in Gallery B (Second Floor of City Hall)

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - March 17 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - March 17 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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