January 21, 2020
Dear friends,

Over the weekend, we recognized the 25 th anniversary of the Day of Service that celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. I was honored to utilize our "day on" by completing acts of service with members of our community.

Thank you to the Martin Luther King Jr. Commission, the  Howard County Office of Human Rights and all of our volunteers and participating organizations for your commitment to our community.

Look around your neighborhood and within your community, and let's work together to help create the best Howard County for all. From collecting food for our neighbors in need to serving the less fortunate, our community is strong in showing support for one another. Howard County truly is the best place to live, work, play, and serve.
This Week in HoCo
Lunar New Year Celebration

Lunar New Year is one of the most important traditional holidays in East Asian culture. This Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat, I invite you to join me and members of our community at our Annual Lunar New Year celebration at the Mall in Columbia, Saturday January 25 th. This celebration features more than a dozen music and dance performances along with cultural demonstrations and ethnic food. The event is free and open to the public. I look forward to seeing you there!
Congratulations Wildecats

Please join me in congratulating our  Wilde Lake High School Wildecats for winning their first round on "It's Academic Quiz Show." We are so proud of our Wildecats and their coaches.  #LakePride  #FeelTheRoar
HoCo Open - Amazing Art

Congratulations to the artists who are displaying their artwork at the annual HoCo Open. This is a great way for emerging artists to gain confidence in publicly displaying their art. There are 141 artists participating this year.

Thank you to the  Howard County Arts CouncilHorseSpirit Arts Gallery and  Visit Howard County for coordinating this showcase. The event will run through February 21, 2020 and I encourage everyone to visit this wonderful exhibit.
Howard Tech Advisors 10th Anniversary

I was excited to join  Howard Tech Advisors to commemorate the company's 10th anniversary and celebrate the expansion of the new space in Elkridge. Howard Tech Advisors provides important technology services to our business community. I want to thank Ananta Hejeebu for choosing Howard County to expand their business.
Support our Wildcats!

We are so proud of our Wildecats who just entered the Follette Challenge’s “When I See Myself” contest. This is a national education contest which will help  Wilde Lake High School's library purchase more library books and resources that reflect the diversity of the student body. Voting is now open through January 24 th and I encourage us all to help support our Wildecats! Vote now here.
City of Laurel Sesquicentennial

I was honored for the opportunity to join the  City of Laurel and  Mayor Craig A. Moe to celebrate their Sesquicentennial milestone. I recently met with Mayor Moe to discuss our economic and community partnerships, and how Howard County and Laurel can continue to be good neighbors. Wishing all the residents of Laurel a happy 150th anniversary!
Electric Scooters Permit Process Considered

The County Council is considering legislation, that will create a permit process for electric scooters - the permits will create parameters for scooters to be operated under, including the maximum speed of scooters, where they can be operated and parked, minimum and maximum quantities, how the companies should engage with private property to minimize problems, and more.

As part of our efforts to expand the reach of our transit system and acknowledge that scooters are part of a modern transportation system that can reduce the reliance on the single occupancy vehicle, we’re planning ahead to ensure that when scooters do arrive, they are safe, accessible, and work within our current infrastructure.

Over the past year, we have worked towards a more multi-modal community by funding $2.2 million for bicycle infrastructure projects, passing complete streets legislation, expanding RTA service, and now developing a permitting process for electric scooters. We look forward to working with the Council to adopt a responsible framework for the deployment of e-scooters that can help address the transportation needs of Downtown Columbia and Columbia Gateway. Read more here.
Protecting Our Pollinators

I am proud to support and advocate for this important bill from  Congressman John Sarbanes. Over the last year, Howard County Government gave away more than 44,000 trees to residents to promote green infrastructure, joined the Bee City USA Coalition to protect our pollinators, and passed legislation to update the Forest Conservation Act, which hasn’t been updated since the 90s.
By working with our local, state, and federal partners, we can promote agricultural conservation, promote green infrastructure, and expand renewable energy use. I encourage efforts that promote sustainability and environmental preservation while providing long-term costs savings for our community. Read more here.
Pack 917’s Arrow of Light Den Visit

I had a wonderful time with Pack 917’s Arrow of Light Den at  Northfield Elementary School. These future leaders learned a lot about the importance of community engagement and the role of County Executive. Thank you so much to Den Leader Regina Smart for everything you do for our Scouts and our community!
Promoting STEM

I am thrilled to see schools in Howard County taking the initiative to bring more science, technology, engineering, and mathematics opportunities to our students. I was proud to visit the  St. Louis School to congratulate Principal Terry Weiss, Monsignor Joseph Luca, and the St. Louis STEM Committee for receiving the certification as a STEM school. Education sets a foundation for our children’s future, but it’s also a time to explore.

Congratulations once again to the administrators and staff at St. Louis. We are lucky to have you as proponents of STEM.
Korean-American Day

Korean-Americans play a significant role in Howard County’s economic success and cultural awareness. I was honored to join Korean-American leaders to recognize the positive contributions of this vibrant and thriving culture in business, medicine, science, and the arts.

Howard County is proud to proclaim January 13 th as Korean-American Day in Howard County. Thank you to every Korean-American who chose to call Howard County home. We are a stronger community together.
Airport Design Consultants

I was delighted to visit  Airport Design Consultants located in Ellicott City. ADCI brings innovative solutions to the nation's airports. Thank you Mahesh and Cedrick for choosing to house your headquarters in Howard County. Together, we can create a prosperous business environment for all.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day

“What happens when racism, hatred and bullying are allowed to fester unchallenged?"

This powerful musical offering is presented by teens and adults from and around Howard County. The cantata tells the story of a child who brings a book to her grandfather: It’s his brother’s Holocaust-era diary. The grandfather reads passages aloud, and the child asks questions about the Holocaust. A black-clad choir, comprised of children and adults, then joins the two on stage to dramatize the diary’s words.

This International Holocaust Remembrance Day - and the Anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation - please join me for an inspirational performance as we remember the six million Jewish victims and millions of other victims of the Holocaust. This event is free and open to the public, no ticket or registration is required. Learn more here.
Departmental News
Budget Office

SAVE THE DATE: I will hold my second Citizens’ Budget Hearing for the FY2021 budget cycle on Thursday, March 12 th at 6:00 p.m. at the County’s George Howard Building in Ellicott City.
Beginning Thursday, February 27 th , residents will be able to sign-up ONLINE to speak at the hearing by going to . From the same link, residents will also have the option to provide online budget testimony. Residents who do not wish to sign-up online will still be able to sign-up in person on the night of the public hearing beginning at 5:00 p.m. The hearing will be broadcasted live on GTV and live streamed.
Department of Community Resources and Services

T-minus 70 days and counting till the start of the 2020 Census. As required by our Constitution, every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a count of every person living in the United States. For us, this count is vital to understanding the updated picture of our community, the needs of all our residents and the future of our service to the public. We are a data-informed government, and the Census gives valuable insight into our needs for education, housing, transportation, healthcare and more.
Sometime after March 12 th , each county household will be receiving an invitation to respond to a short questionnaire, either online, by phone or by mail. Those who do not respond will receive follow up communications after April 1 st , including door-to-door outreach by the U.S. Census Bureau, a nonpartisan government agency.
To learn more about #HoCoCounts 2020 Census, visit or contact our local Complete Count Committee at 410-313-6325 or email .
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. This month, please take the time to learn the definition of and differences between human trafficking and human smuggling as the two are different crimes. Human smuggling is the illegal movement of someone across a border; whereas, human trafficking is the illegal exploitation of a person through force, fraud or coercion.
Also, become familiar with the signs of human trafficking . Human trafficking is a hidden crime. Often, its victims are be afraid to come forward, or we don’t recognize the signs, even if it is happening right in front of us. Remember, an informed public supports prevention efforts.
If you suspect human trafficking, call 9-1-1 or 1-866-347-2423. To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline, call 1-888-373-7888 OR or text “HELP” or “INFO” to BeFree (233733).
To learn more about the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign, visit . To learn more about what we are doing here in Howard County to combat and spread awareness about human trafficking, visit our Office of Human Trafficking Prevention’s website .
If you are interested in helping us in our fight against human trafficking, I encourage you to apply today for the County’s Human Trafficking Prevention Coordination Council. This Council advises county government on human trafficking prevention in Howard County and conducts outreach and education on prevention to spread awareness of the warning signs of human trafficking. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 31 st .
Parents, guardians, grandparents and child care personnel, join Department of Community Resources and Services on Saturday, February 1 st for its annual Preschool/Child Care Information Fair. Providing you with a “one stop shop” for information on child care, pre-school and summer programs, this year's Fair will feature representatives from community service organizations that offer programs and services to Howard County’s young children. Admission to the Fair is FREE; however, attendees are asked to bring nonperishable food items or an unopened pack of diapers to donate to the Howard County Food Bank. To register to receive updates and reminders about this event, click here .
Together, we can create a community that provides opportunities for self-determination and independence, whether in college or in one’s careers, for residents of all abilities. To play an integral role in ensuring all our students are ready and successful,  I encourage members from our business community to apply today to serve on the County's Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities . The deadline to apply is Friday, February 7 th .
Department of Fire and Rescue Services

With frigid temps in the forecast this week, particularly at night, our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (DFRS) is reminding residents to keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from heating sources. Also, ALWAYS plug your space heater directly into a wall outlet and NEVER use an extension cord or power strip.
A big thank you to Pamela Horsley for helping out our fire personnel by adopting a fire hydrant in Howard County! We appreciate your help and your commitment to keeping the community that much safer.
In an emergency, every second counts. Fire hydrants that are blocked, concealed or difficult to access due to snow, ice or other obstructions can impede emergency fire response. If you are and/or your business is interested in helping ensure DFRS has quick and easy access to the fire hydrant(s) in your neighborhood, consider adopting a hydrant like Pamela today.
To adopt a hydrant or to learn more about this program, email DFRS to with your name, address, email and the tag number for the hydrant you’d like to adopt.

Health Department

The Howard County Health Department Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program has become the FIRST in Maryland to offer Telelactation services to its members. The Telelactation initiative is a scheduled video call for participants who are unable to visit a WIC location in person for breastfeeding support or have a quick question. This service removes barriers, like transportation, that may otherwise prevent a successful breastfeeding experience for mom and baby by providing another way to speak “face-to-face” with WIC breastfeeding support staff.
Howard County’s WIC Program already maintains a breastfeeding initiation rate above 80 percent and this new initiative will further increase accessibility and reduce barriers for WIC members looking to breastfeed their newborn.
To learn more about the Howard County WIC Program, the services it provides and eligibility requirements, call 410-313-7510 or click HERE .     
I am seeking consumer and family member applicants interested in serving on the Howard County Local Behavioral Health Advisory Board. The Board works with the County to ensure the health and safety of all our residents, including addressing mental health and substance misuse, and plays an integral role in monitoring and managing the Behavioral Health programs for our community. For eligibility requirements and details on how to apply, click HERE . The DEADLINE to apply is Friday, February 14, 2020.
Department of Housing and Community Development

Looking to call Howard County home? There is still time to register for our Department of Housing and Community Development’s January Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program open enrollment period. Through this program, we are creating affordable home-ownership opportunities to help families call Howard County home as we foster safe and engaged communities. If you are interested in our MIHU program or know anyone who can benefit, I encourage you to attend one of our upcoming workshops to learn more about the program’s eligibility requirements and spread the word. To learn more, visit or call 410-313-6318 (select option two). Remember, applications for this open enrollment period are due by no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 31 st .
Office of Human Rights

This International Holocaust Remembrance Day – and the 75 th anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation, I invite you to join our Howard County Office of Human Rights and myself for an inspirational performance, as we remember the six million Jewish victims and millions of other victims of the Holocaust. “A Cantata: We Will Never Be Bullied Again” tells the story of a child who brings a book to her grandfather; it’s his brother’s Holocaust-era diary. The grandfather reads passages aloud, and the child asks questions about the Holocaust. No ticket or registration is required as this event is FREE and open to the public. To learn more, click HERE .
This past November, I signed an Executive Order creating a LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+) Work Group to promote the shared community values of diversity and civility, eliminate discrimination and promote inclusion. Last week, the Work Group held its first Public meeting. If you weren’t able to join us, I hope you will consider doing so at one of our next meetings , set for Wednesday, April 15 th , Wednesday, July 22 nd and Tuesday, December 15 th . For questions and/or more information, contact our Office of Human Rights at 410-313-6430.
Police Department

Thanks to your tips, our Police Department (HCPD) was able to identify and arrest the suspect involved in the commercial burglaries at the Shell gas station in Ellicott City I posted about last week. HCPD is once again asking for your help to identify the following individuals involved in thefts throughout the county.

  • The first suspects were involved in four thefts from vehicles at Meadowridge Memorial Park cemetery in Elkridge and two more nearby in the 7800 block of Washington Boulevard since December 6th. The suspects are described as black males driving a black Dodge Charger. Police believe these suspects may be involved in similar thefts in neighboring jurisdictions.
  • The second suspect was involved in a January 11th robbery at Weis Markets in the 10800 block of Birmingham Way in Woodstock. The suspect is described as a white male in his mid-30s, approximately 5’6” in height with a medium build and facial hair, wearing a black hoodie, hat and blue jeans.
Anyone with information is asked to placed contact HCPD at 410-313-STOP or email .
Red-light running continues to be the leading cause of urban crashes across the U.S. In fact, according to the AAA Mid-Atlantic Foundation for Traffic Safety, more than two people are killed every day on U.S. roads by impatient and reckless drivers blowing through red lights.
Our Red Light Camera Program is are a critical tool to help address this safety issue here in Howard County. HCPD’s has 26 active red light camera sites monitoring 18 intersections in the county. This cringe worthy video shows near collisions at these sites in the second half of 2019, including a pedestrian and cyclist who were almost struck and a driver running a red light as a police car is at the intersection.
Please do your part to stop the crashes by stopping on red, staying alert (NEVER drive distracted) and staying alive.
Police Department's Animal Control Division

With temperatures in the 30’s and below this week, our Police Department’s Animal Control Division is reminding pet owners that animals housed outside must have access to appropriate shelter, bedding and an unfrozen water source at all times. Dogs may not be tethered outside when not under direct supervision. That all being said, please keep in mind, these requirements are the bare minimum. If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your dog or cat. Please consider bringing your companion animals inside this week and all winter long, especially when its cold out.
For safety tips on how to keep your pet safe during the cold winter months, such as cleaning snow and salt from their paws, legs and stomach, check out the ASPCA’s website .
“Hi. My name is Ivanna and I am one of the four-legged felines here at Animal Control. I’m a female, Russian Blue mix kitten and I’m oh so cute. I am super smart and enjoy having a covered kitty bed as my safe place as I’m not used to people yet. Even though I might be scared when you reach in to pet me, if you’re gentle and quiet, you’ll hear my little purr motor start and my adorable face relax. I need a patient person who will spend lots of time with me so I can get used to you, and would probably be most comfortable in an adult home or a home with older children who understand how afraid I am at times. I do so hope that I’m the purrrr-fect pet for you.
To learn more about me and all my friends here at  Animal Control  , check us out online  HERE  or call 410-313-2780.”
Department of Public Works

For those living in and/or around Historic Ellicott City, our Department of Public Works (DPW) will be holding a public meeting this Thursday, January 23 rd at 6:30 p.m. at the County’s George Howard Building, to present plans for a nearby stream stabilization project. Located from Courthouse Drive to Parking Lot F near the intersection of Ellicott Mills Drive and Main Street, the unnamed tributary to the Hudson Branch was significantly eroded by 2016 and 2018 floods. The project will re-establish a more natural stream, reduce instream erosion and improve water quality. Construction is expected to begin this summer. To learn more about this project and meeting, click HERE .

Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the  January 13, 2020   newsletter.
Ellicott City

  • Brampton Hill Stream Repair (UPDATE) – Work on this project, previously announced in last Monday’s newsletter, has been POSTPONED till at least May, weather and other things permitting. Please stay tuned for updates in the coming months.

  • Cherrytree Farms Stream Stabilization (Capital Project D-1158) – Project to restore and stabilize approximately 1,200 linear feet of stream channel adjacent to 8409 Sweet Cherry Lane. The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic in the area. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late October.
  • Cardinal Forest Drainage Improvement (Capital Project D-1170) – Project to improve stormwater drainage west of Doves Fly Way, near house number 8660. The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by early March.
  • To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s  website  and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s  Facebook  and  Twitter  pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s  street sweeping  schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September."
Maryland State Highway Administration

In case you missed it in last week’s newsletter, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) will be hosting a public informational meeting and open house on Thursday, February 13 th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria at Hammond High School to announce upcoming improvements on US 29 at Rivers Edge Road in Columbia to enhance safety and reduce the potential for serious injury crashes at the intersection.

The project will modify the intersection to only permit right turns to and from southbound US 29 at Rivers Edge Road. The traffic signal will be removed, and the US 29 median crossover will be closed to traffic. Motorists on Rivers Edge Road with destinations to the north will be directed to use the Johns Hopkins Road/to Gorman Road exit to access northbound US 29, and motorists traveling on northbound US 29 destined for Rivers Edge Road will be directed to use the MD 32 interchange to access Rivers Edge Road from southbound US 29. These improvements are scheduled to begin in April 2020.
This informational meeting will familiarize the public with the project and provide attendees an opportunity to discuss project details. Maps and displays will depict the proposed improvements and SHA representatives will be available to discuss project issues and answer questions. There will be a formal presentation starting at 6:30 p.m. however, those interested in attending may arrive at any time during the meeting hours and walk through the display area at their own pace.
For questions or assistance contact Elizabeth Harris, SHA District 7 Community Liaison at (301) 624-8157 or email .
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services

While curbside yard trim collection might be over for the season (NOTE exception below**), our Bureau of Environmental Services still encourages residents to recycle their yard trim by taking it to the Alpha Ridge Landfill’s Woodwaste Area . Of course, as a last option, residents can place yard trim material out for collection on their trash day. However, please keep in mind, yard trim set out on trash day will be taken to a landfill and will not be recycled into compost and mulch. For updates regarding yard trim collection and when it will resume this 2020, stay tuned to the yard trim collection site .
** Households participating in our food scrap collection areas receive yard trim/food scrap collection year-round. For questions and/or more information, please feel free to contact the Bureau of Environmental Services at 410-313-6444.
REMINDER: While Howard County Government offices being CLOSED yesterday, January 20 th for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, the County’s holiday slide schedule for curbside collection is NOT in effect this week. There is regular curbside trash, recycling and food scrap/yard trim (for those with both) collection this week.
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday is NOT one of the six holidays that affects curbside collection. The six holidays that do affect curbside collection are: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To learn more about the County's holiday slide schedule, check out .
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Utilities

With below freezing temperatures at night all week long, our Bureau of Utilities is reminding residents of the steps to take to help keep pipes from freezing and potentially bursting. Click HERE  to learn more.
Department of Recreation & Parks
CLOSURE ALERT: The pedestrian bridge located in  Centennial Park west area is currently closed. Closure/detour signs have been posted at park access paths to alert park goers of the closure. For updates regarding this closure, please stay tuned to Recreation & Parks' Facebook page , Twitter handle and/or Park Improvements website . We apologize for any inconvenience.
Howard County Recreation and Parks' 2020 Summer Camp Guide is NOW available ONLINE at . Online registration for Howard County residents begins Wednesday, February 5 th at 6:00 p.m., with all other methods (over-the-phone, mail-in and in-person) for County residents beginning the next day. For non-Howard County residents, online registration begins for you on February 12 th at 6:00 p.m. and all other methods the following day.
County residents should receive a hard copy of the guide in the mail by the end of the month.
Are you ready to declutter your home but need some inspiration and support? This Wednesday, January 15 th , join instructor Jenn Todd Lavanish for Closet Control at Oakland Mills High School. Participants will learn how to rethink and rework those often unseen closet and storage spaces through idea-generating handouts, techniques and sharing systems like those from many popular home organizers. To learn more and/or to register for this event, visit
Have you ever thought about visiting the Maryland State House and Governor’s House? You can with our Recreation & Parks Trips & Tours this Thursday, January 23 rd . During this scenic walking tour of Annapolis, participants will enjoy the sights of one of America’s oldest state capitols and the official residence of the Governor of Maryland. To purchase your tickets, visit
From 10:30 a.m. to noon this Saturday, January 25 th , little ones two to three years old are invited to come enjoy a special Lil’ Acorns event perfect for children 2-3 years at the Robinson Nature Center . During this program, visitors will discover the winter lives of squirrels and help track down a snowman’s missing features. These interactive parent/child shows also feature stories, tot-friendly investigations, a puppet show and a short walk through the woods. To register, visit .
Also this coming Saturday, January 25 th , our Recreation & Park’s Heritage Program team will be hosting a Public Archaeology Lab Day. At this free event, amateur archaeologist volunteers will join members from the Upper Patuxent Archaeology Group to wash, label and catalogue artifacts collected from dig sites throughout Howard County. To learn more, contact Kelly Palich at 410-313-0423 or email .
Office of Transportation
As we announced last week, the County is developing a permit process to allow electric scooter sharing companies to operate in public areas, such as pathways, streets, sidewalks and bike lanes, based on best practices and experiences of Baltimore City, Montgomery County, and Washington D.C. To enable this process and fee, we are pursuing legislation to update the County Code that is currently under consideration by the County Council, as Council Bill 3-2020 .
Expected to begin in May of 2020, the electric scooter sharing system permit process will be managed by our Office of Transportation. The permit will dictate the parameters that the scooter sharing companies must operate under, including the speed of the scooters, where they can be parked, minimum and maximum quantities, operator response time, data sharing, insurance requirements and permit fees.
To learn more, contact the Office of Transportation at 410-313-4312 or email .
Office of Workforce Development

IT/Cyber businesses, I invite you to join myself and the Maryland Department of Labor on Thursday, January 30 th for a roundtable discussion on how registered IT/Cyber apprenticeships can contribute to the growth of your business and retention of your staff. The event will take place from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Columbia Workforce Center . To register for this FREE event, visit . If you need assistance, please contact Elexis Lawson with our Office of Workforce Development at 410-290-2609 or email .
Please note, in the event Howard County public schools are delayed or close, this event will be rescheduled.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
January 10 to February 21 - HoCo Open Art Exhibit HoCo Open ,

Howard County Arts Council annual non-juried exhibit celebrating artists who live, work or study in Howard County. HoCo Open will run from January 10 th through February 21 st , 2020.
January 20 to February 2 | Howard County Restaurant Weeks & Craft Beverages

Howard County is quickly becoming one of Maryland’s hot spots for foodies. Mix up your culinary experience this Howard County Restaurant Weeks with diverse specialty chef menus and craft beverages in restaurants, breweries and distilleries across Howard County. Participating locations will be offering unique menus for every taste and budget. 
January 23 - MIHU Homeownership Information Workshop Session #3

Prospective buyers are ENCOURAGED to register to attend this FREE information session. Attendees will become knowledgeable of Housing’s Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program requirements and the application and selection processes. Housing will address the importance of credit and how it impacts the home buying process. The workshop begins at 6:00 p.m. and on time arrival is strongly suggested. For questions and/or more information, contact Housing at 410-313-6318 and select option two.
January 25 - Lunar New Year Celebration

Lunar New Year is one of the most important traditional holidays in East Asian culture. This Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat, I invite you to join me and members of our community at our Annual Lunar New Year celebration at The Mall in Columbia. This celebration features more than a dozen music and dance performances along with cultural demonstrations and ethnic food. The event is free and open to the public. 
January 27 - MIHU Renters Information Workshop

Prospective renters are ENCOURAGED to register to attend this FREE information session. Attendees will become knowledgeable of program requirements and participating communities. In addition, you'll learn the importance of credit and how it impacts renting and the approval process. The workshop begins at 6:00 p.m. and on time arrival is strongly suggested. For questions and/or more information, contact Housing at 410-313-6318 and select option two. 
January 27 - Leadership U Information Session

Leadership Howard County (LHC) is recruiting current high school sophomores for its Leadership U Class of 2020. The Leadership U program empowers students to learn by doing. Participants work in teams to discuss, reflect upon and develop solutions for problems that affect them and their peers in the community. They develop mentoring relationships with adult community leaders, learn about Howard County’s government, businesses and services, and hone their presentation skills. Interested county 9 th and 10 th graders and their parents are invited to attend one of LHC’s information session (January 27 th , February 13 th or March 1 st ) to learn more about Leadership U. To learn more, visit .
January 28 - Stepping Up Your Nutrition

Stepping Up Your Nutrition is a two and a half hour workshop for those who want to improve their nutrition and strength, and is designed to help people understand the connection between nutrition and preventing falls. Cost is $5 per person and includes workshop and educational materials. To register or for more information, contact Malarie Burgess at 410-313-6073 or email .
January 29 - 2020 BikeHoward Open House

Join our Office of Transportation on January 29 th its 2020 BikeHoward Open House . Learn about the latest projects, upcoming improvements and provide your feedback and input. Topics to be covered include: BikeHoward (the Howard County Bicycle Master Plan);  BikeHoward Express (3-year plan); Bicycle Wayfinding system (coming soon); The Patapsco Regional Greenway ; Complete Streets Policy in Howard County; and Howard County Bikeshare . The format is open house, so arrive any time and talk to our Transportation staff at your own pace.
January 30 - Drop-In Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Training

Join in the fight against the opioid epidemic by learning how you can help save someone’s life from an opioid overdose. The first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, the Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., on a drop-in basis, at the Health Department headquarters. Simply show up and Health Department employee will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid reversing medicine. Click  HERE  to learn more.
February 1 - Preschool/Child Care Information Fair

This “one stop shop” provides parents, guardians, grandparents and child care personnel with information on child care, pre-school and summer programs, and features representatives from community service organizations that offer programs and services to Howard County’s young children. For more information about this FREE event, visit .