February 3, 2020
Dear friends,
February is Black History Month, a time to honor the historic achievements and contributions by black Americans that are too often forgotten. We must remember the deeply important struggles of black Americans - like on February 1st, 1965, when Martin Luther King, Jr. and more than 250 supporters marched to the Dallas County Courthouse to register to vote and they were all arrested. We must also celebrate the incredible accomplishments of black Americans - athletes like Serena Williams and Lamar Jackson, poets and authors Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison, or trailblazers like the Tuskegee Airmen.
We stand on the shoulders of yesterday's giants and continue to inspire tomorrow's bright stars.
Happy Black History Month!
This Week in HoCo
Women's Hall of Fame Nominations

Have you nominated someone yet for the Women's Hall of Fame?

The deadline to submit a nomination is now Friday, February 7th . The Howard County Commission for Women will select up to five Howard County women to be inducted into the Women's Hall of Fame on March 26, 2020, during National Women's History Month.

For more information and to download a nomination form, visit the website here. I encourage you to nominate someone today!
Prosperous Business Community

We are proud to have strong and prosperous businesses in the Gateway Innovation District of Howard County.  IntelliGenesis LLC, a veteran, woman owned small business, supports the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community customers by providing next-generation intelligence analysis.

Traversed, a service disabled veteran-owned small business, provides cybersecurity services and forensics training to close the cybersecurity knowledge gap. Frequentis USA provides critical communication needs to our security and defense sectors. Thank you all for choosing Howard County as home!
Help us Count

Are you willing to help ensure every resident is counted in the 2020 Census?

The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring for a variety of temporary jobs, including census takers, recruiting assistants, office staff, and supervisory staff. Join the  Howard County Office of Workforce Development and  Maryland Department of Labor for an informational fair on February 5th.

Census 2020 staff will be available to provide information, answer any questions, and guide you through the application process. Together, we can ensure  #HoCoCounts
New Drone Program

Howard County is known throughout our state and nation as one of America’s safest communities. The launch of the drone program by the   Howard County Police Department   comes after months of research, testing, and piloting this innovative drone technology. I'm thrilled to see the drone program get off the ground, allowing HCPD to be more effective and efficient, while continuing to protect all our residents' safety and civil liberties. For more information visit our website here .
Congratulations Hawks!

Please join me in congratulating  River Hill High School Band Director Michael Blackman for being named one of the 50 Directors Who Make a Difference in the United States by the School Band and Orchestra magazine. We are so proud of the exceptional dedication he provides to our Hawks. Read more about Mr. Blackman here
Let's Restore the Bay

The Northeast has experienced a 70 percent increase of precipitation over the last 50 years and Howard County knows first-hand the dangers of extreme weather. The time is now to ensure that funds are allocated for climate resiliency and flood mitigation, efforts that will not only protect historic towns like Ellicott City, but ultimately prevent debris and runoff to the Chesapeake Bay.
I was glad to join Senator Katie Fry Hester in testifying before Maryland Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, upon which Senator Clarence Lam serves with distinction, and Delegate Courtney Watson, before the Environment and Transportation Committee in the Maryland House of Delegates, where Delegate Jen Terrasa is a strong voice for Howard County.

We testified in support of Senate Bill 172 and House Bill 78 - Bay Restoration Fund, which adds climate resiliency and flood control to the list of criteria used to determine how to allocate funding from the Bay Restoration Fund, or BRF. This innovative approach will increase the capacity of counties across our state to fund and implement much needed flood prevention and mitigation projects while also helping to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
Helping our Homeless

The Point in Time (PIT) count is a critical component to helping determine the scale of homelessness in our community as we map out a long-term strategy to eliminate it. I was glad to join  Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services for the annual PIT Count today.

With the support of our community stakeholders, completing the annual count enables us to identify our most vulnerable residents, develop a supportive network, and ultimately help them attain the security of permanent housing to live safer and healthier lives.

Thank you to all our volunteers for ensuring every member of our community feels seen and valued.
Expanding General Hospital

Congratulations to Howard County General Hospital on their completed two-story, 50,000 square foot expansion!

Howard County General Hospital’s year-over-year increase in admissions was the highest of all of the 23 hospitals in the greater Baltimore region. This expansion is critical to provide greater access to healthcare, more efficient services for our community, and ensure all our residents are healthy and thriving for years to come. Read more about the expansion here
Departmental News
Budget Office

SAVE THE DATE: I will hold my second Resident's Budget Hearing for the FY2021 budget cycle on Thursday, March 12 th at 6:00 p.m. at the County’s George Howard Building in Ellicott City.
Beginning Thursday, February 27 th , residents will be able to sign-up ONLINE to speak at the hearing by going to . From the same link, residents will also have the option to provide online budget testimony. Residents who do not wish to sign-up online will still be able to sign-up in person on the night of the public hearing beginning at 5:00 p.m. The hearing will be broadcasted live on GTV and live streamed.
Department of Community Resources and Services

As required by our Constitution, every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a count of every person living in the United States. For us, this count is vital to understanding the updated picture of our community, the needs of all our residents and the future of our service to the public. We are a data-informed government, and the Census gives valuable insight into our needs for education, housing, transportation, healthcare and more.
Sometime after March 12 th , each county household will be receiving an invitation to respond to a short questionnaire, either online, by phone or by mail. Those who do not respond will receive follow up communications after April 1 st , including door-to-door outreach by the U.S. Census Bureau, a nonpartisan government agency.
To learn more about #HoCoCounts 2020 Census, visit or contact our local Complete Count Committee at 410-313-6325 or email
Tuesday’s PIT count also coincided with the release of the second edition of our The Path Home report. The Path Home outlines a five-year strategic plan to ensure that homelessness I Howard County is rare, brief and nonrecurring. This report demonstrates our commitment to be a housing first community, focused on rapidly rehousing individuals and families and providing ongoing support to help them maintain their housing. To view the full report can be downloaded at
Together, we can create a community that provides opportunities for self-determination and independence, whether in college or in one’s careers, for residents of all abilities. To play an integral role in ensuring all our students are ready and successful, I encourage members from our business community to apply today to serve on the County's Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities . The deadline to apply is Friday, February 7 th .
This past December, I, along with our Office on Aging and Independence, launched the Age-Friendly Howard County initiative, a three- to five-year plan to join the AARP network of age-friendly states and communities, an affiliate of the World Health Organization. Work has now begun to move the initiative forward and here is how you can get involved:
  • STAY INFORMED. Visit for the latest news and information or join our mailing list to receive notifications about Age-Friendly Howard County events and updates.
  • JOIN A WORKGROUP. A series of Age-Friendly workgroups, each focused on a different topic, such as outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation options and communication and information, will meet bi-weekly or monthly from January through Fall 2020; click HERE for schedule. If interested in joining one of our workgroups, drop us a note at
  • TAKE THE SURVEY. To more accurately represent the priorities of Howard County residents, an Age-Friendly survey will be available later this month. Adults of all ages are encouraged to participate in the survey, which can be accessed at
The month of February is all about the heart. From Valentine’s Day to American Heart Month , now is the time to check-in on your heart. While we want to ensure that all our residents are healthy and thriving, heart disease still affects many in our community, especially our aging population. This February, I encourage you to check out the Living Well Chronic Disease

Self-Management program to learn how you can manage chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, hypertension and heart disease, and take advantage of one of the many fitness and nutrition programs offered on a regular basis at our 50+ Centers.
Tax time is here. AARP and the IRS are once again offering personal income tax preparation for Howard County residents from February 3 through April 15, available to all middle- and low-income taxpayers, with emphasis on those age 60 and older. Bring your photo ID, Social Security card, 2018 Federal and Maryland tax returns, and all 2019 tax documents. Self-employment returns with more than $10,000 in expenses and complex returns are not eligible. Appointments are necessary for all locations. To schedule your appointment today, call your desired location listed below.
Health Department

The Health Department continues to remind residents of these everyday preventative actions to help prevent the spread of this (and any other) respiratory virus:
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available);
  • Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick; and
  • Stay home from work or school while sick.

If you have traveled to China in the last 14 days and have a fever and cough or shortness of breath, OR you have been in contact with someone who has visited this region and you yourself are exhibiting these symptoms, please seek medical care right away. NOTE: BEFORE you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and/or exposure and your symptoms. Also, if sick, wear a mask if you need to leave the house.

The CDC continues to recommend that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China, reminding travelers to the area that Chinese officials have closed transport within and out of Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province, including buses, subways, trains, and the international airport, and that other locations may be affected.

For more information and/or to stay up-to-date on the latest news regarding the coronavirus, visit the CDC's website at website or the Health Department's Alert webpage at website .
Flu Prevention:

There is flu activity in Maryland and it is expected to continue for weeks. If you are worried about the flu and looking for ways to protect you and your family, here are three simple steps you can take to help fight the flu:

  1. Get vaccinated. Stop by the Health Department Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for its FREE walk-in flu clinic. Call 410-313-7500 for more information.
  2. Help stop the spread of flu viruses. You can do this by: washing your hands regularly; covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or crook of your elbow when you cough or sneeze; avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth; limiting your contact with others as much as possible; staying home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone (without the use of a fever-reducing medicine) except to get medical care or for other necessities; and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs.
  3. Take antiviral drugs as prescribed by your doctor.

For more information on the flu, visit the Health Department’s website
I am seeking consumer and family member applicants interested in serving on the Howard County Local Behavioral Health Advisory Board. The Board works with the County to ensure the health and safety of all our residents, including addressing mental health and substance misuse, and plays an integral role in monitoring and managing the Behavioral Health programs for our community. For eligibility requirements and details on how to apply, click HERE . The DEADLINE to apply is Friday, February 14, 2020.
HEALTH ALERT: The Health Department is seeking anyone who may have come into contact with a feral/stray cat in the area of the 8700 block on Baltimore National Pike in Ellicott City between January 15 th and January 29 th. A cat found on the 29 th, has tested positive for rabies. Preventive treatment might be required for anyone who handled, fed or was attacked by the cat. Rabies is a fatal disease, and preventive treatment (injections) must be started as soon as possible. If you or a pet had contact with a stray/feral cat during this time frame, or your pet has unexplained wounds, please call the Health Department at 410-313-1773 during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or 410-935-0196 after business hours.

The Health Department advises residents not to feed wild or stray animals or leave food dishes outside. Pet owners should also keep their animals’ rabies vaccinations current.
The Health Department has released its 2019 Annual Report, which highlights its accomplishments and statistics for 2019, as well as lists its new initiatives for 2020. To view this year’s report, as well as past reports, click HERE
Department of Planning and Zoning

Join our Department of Planning and Zoning, the Long Reach Community Association and myself on Tuesday, February 18 th at 7:00 p.m. at the Stonehouse Community Center, located at 8775 Cloudleap Court in Columbia, for a work session to discuss the Long Reach Village Center, specifically background and recent events, revitalization and activation and timeline. For more information, visit
Office of Human Rights

This Black History Month, our Office of Human Rights will be participating in a number of events, from the “Black History Lunch and Learn” on the 13 th to the Black History Expo on the 15 th.

At the “Black History Lunch and Learn,” participants will explore black history and the black experiences within the context of American history, systems, institutions and culture. Participants will explore pieces of our racialized history, with the intention of creating space for authentic connection and genuine understanding. Along with the County’s Department of Community Resources and Services, the Office of Human Rights will seek to provide a space for community members to interact and discuss the implications of our history, while critically thinking about how it impacts our current and future communities. All perspectives, truths and experiences are invited to respectfully engage in this experience. The event will take place from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Elkridge 50+ Center.

Hosted by the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Howard County and the Howard County Public School System, the Black History Expo will feature a variety of exhibits, an educational workshop on the film Meet Me at Equality hosted by our Office of Human Rights, entertainment and a panel discussion focused around the year’s theme: “African Americans and the Vote.” The Expo will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Long Reach High School in Columbia.

For questions and/or more information about either event, contact the Office of Human Rights at 410-313-6430.
Police Department

Here in Howard County, we are committed to protecting our community with care and vigilance. That is why I am thrilled to see the launch of our Police Department’s (HCPD) one-year drone field test . The result of a workgroup recommendation, this program comes after months of research, testing and piloting this innovative drone technology. HCPD will use its three drones in situations: when life and safety are at risk; when there are specific and articulable grounds to believe that the drone will collect evidence relating to criminal activity; or when there is a signed search warrant from a judge for areas covered under the Fourth Amendment, which protects individuals from unreasonable search and seizure. Rest assured, our drones WILL follow ACLU public guidelines to ensure the community benefits from drone technology without privacy concerns and they will NOT be used for mass surveillance that could violate First Amendment-protected activities.

The launch of this field test is just another step forward in our commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our residents. To learn more about this program, click HERE .
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects have been announced. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the  January 27, 2020  newsletter.

Past Project Updates – Projects Completed

Ellicott City
  • Rogers Avenue Storm Drain (Capital Project C-0337) – Project to improve a storm drain along Rogers Avenue from Frederick Road to Rusty Rim.

To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email  for further assistance.

If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s  website  and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.

Also, be sure to follow the County’s  Facebook  and  Twitter  pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s  street sweeping  schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services

If you are or know of a business, community group or organization here in Howard County who is creating recycling programs and green initiatives to reduce waste and support our local environment, we encourage you to nominate them today for the County's third annual “Business Recycling and Waste Reduction” and “Green Community Leadership” awards program. Help us recognize these businesses, community groups and organizational leaders who are supporting our goal to create a clean and sustainable environment and demonstrating that purposeful actions can result in creating a better community for all. Submit a nomination form today by clicking HERE . The DEADLINE to submit a nomination is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14 th .
Department of Recreation & Parks
Registration for our Department of Recreation & Parks’ summer camps BEGINS THIS WEDNESDAY, February 5 at 6:00 p.m. for Howard County residents only . In person, over-the-phone and mail-in registration for county residents begings the following morning, February 6 th , at 8:00 a.m. If you still aren’t sure which camp(s) you want to sign your child or teen up for this summer, there is still time to check the Camp Guide out online before registration begins later this week.

For non-Howard County residents, online registration begins for you next week, February 12 th at 6:00 p.m., with all other forms opening up the followign day, February 13 th .
Pssssssssst. A little American Goldfinch (the official bird of Howard County) just told me that our Recreation & Parks’ 2020 Spring/Summer Activity Guide is set to be released online this Friday, February 7 th . From Kid’s Fest, sports programs and outdoor concerts, there is so much to do in the warmer months here in Howard County. So be sure to swing on by Recreation & Parks’ “Activity Guides & Supplementals” website this Friday to catch a first glimpe at its upcoming activity guide. Reminder, online registration for Howard County residents for this guide begins Wednesday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Help us recognize those outstanding individuals who have gained prominence in or made substantial contributions to community recreational sports in Howard County, by nominating them today for Howard County Recreation and Parks' 2020 “Community Sports Hall of Fame.” Coaches, managers, league officials, commissioners and even behind-the-scenes contributors closely identified with community recreational sports can be nominated. Nominees must be either residents of Howard County or have contributed to community sports primarily in Howard County. Nomination forms are available on line at or by calling 410-313-4711. The DEADLINE to submit nominations is Wednesday, April 15 th .
Looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day outing for you and your sweetheart? Join the Robinson Nature Center staff on Saturday, February 15 th for its special holiday truffle-making and wine-tasting program! During this two hour workshop, you’ll learn the art of hand-rolling tasty chocolate truffles as you enjoy samples of six wines from Linganore Vineyards. Each participants leaves with 10 hand-rolled truffles to enjoy at home! Tickets are moving fast, so visit to purchase your tickets today!
Office of Transportation

Our Office of Transportation will host a public meeting next Wednesday, February 12 th starting at 6:30 p.m. at Howard County Library System’s Savage branch to present the newest plans for the North Laurel Connections bicycle route project. The goal of the North Laurel Connections project is to develop an enhanced bicycle connection from the Patuxent Branch Trail trailhead at Savage Park to the North Laurel Community Center continuing to the Laurel Race Track MARC Station and the Laurel MARC Station, including a shared use pathway to improve access and connections across an existing utility right of way.
At Wednesday’s meeting, Transportation wil present revised concept plans for the full route and design plans for the two pathway segments of the project. To learn more about this project and meeting, click HERE .
Upcoming Events and Meetings
January 10 to February 21 | HoCo Open Art Exhibit HoCo Open ,

Howard County Arts Council annual non-juried exhibit celebrating artists who live, work or study in Howard County. HoCo Open will run from January 10 th through February 21 st , 2020.
February 3 | Drop-In Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Training

Join in the fight against the opioid epidemic by learning how you can help save someone’s life from an opioid overdose. The first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, the Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., on a drop-in basis, at Health Department headquarters. Simply show up and Health Department employee will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid reversing medicine. Click  HERE  to learn more.
February 4 | Living a Heart-Healthy Life

Learn the signs, risk factors and lifestyle habits related to heart health and cardiovascular disease and identify lifestyle changes for a heart-healthy life. To learn more about this FREE event, set to take place at the Howard County Library System’s East Columbia branch from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. call 410-313-3506.
February 5 | North Laurel Connections Public Meeting

Public meeting to present the newest plans for the North Laurel Connections bicycle route project. To learn more about this project and meeting, visit
February 6 | Good Fats, Bad Fats and the Healthiest Foods for Heart Health

Join Carmen Roberts, RD, at the Elkridge 50+ Center from 11:15 to noon on the 6 th to hear about the latest research about the link between dietary fat and cardiovascular disease, and what type of fat best supports a healthy heart. To register for this FREE event, call 410-313-5192.
February 7 | Lunch Date with History 2020 Lecture Series: Historic Love Letters
If you are a history lover, a romantic or are interested in hearing romantic love letters written by historically famous Howard County people, then join the Howard County Historical Society on the 7th for its February “Lunch Date with History 2020 Lecture Series.” For tickets and more information about this month’s event, click HERE
February 11 | Mission Nutrition: Take a Break Snack Mix
Join nutrition specialist Marcus Hockaday at the Elkridge 50+ Center from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. for heart-healthy nutrition tips, recipes and tastings. Participants will learn how to create an easy-to-make snack mix recommended by the American Heart Association. For more information on this FREE event, call 410-313-5192.
February 13 | Black History Lunch and Learn
Join DCRS for a lunch and learn experience at the Elkridge 50+ Center from noon to 2:00 p.m., focused on exploring Black history and Black experiences within the context of American history, systems, institutions and culture. For questions and/or more information, contact  Jeannie DeCray at 410-313-5175 or email
February 13 | Community Conversations
Join the Department of Community Resources and Services for a Community Conversation on February 13 th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center in Columbia, for a discussion on ways to help the county become a more equitable and vibrant community. For more information about this FREE event, contact Triston Cooper at 410-313-6549 (voice/relay).
February 13 | Grant Needs Discussion Roundtable
Howard County is in the process of preparing its FFY 2020-2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan and FFY 2020 Annual Action Plan. These plans are requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the county to receive Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funds. For more information and/or if interested in attending Thursday’s roundtable , email  or call 412-461-6916.
February 13 | Leadership U Information Session
Leadership Howard County (LHC) is recruiting current high school sophomores for its Leadership U Class of 2020. The Leadership U program empowers students to learn by doing. Participants work in teams to discuss, reflect upon and develop solutions for problems that affect them and their peers in the community. They develop mentoring relationships with adult community leaders, learn about Howard County’s government, businesses and services, and hone their presentation skills. Interested county 9 th and 10 th graders and their parents are invited to attend this information or the last one scheduled for March 1 st , to learn more about Leadership U. To learn more, visit .
February 15 | Black History Expo
The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Howard County and the Howard County Public School System invite you to participate in the 2020 Black History Expo on February 15 th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Long Reach High School. This year’s expo will feature a variety of exhibits, an educational workshop on the film Meet Me at Equality hosted by the County’s Office of Human Rights, entertainment and a panel discussion focused around the year’s theme: “African Americans and the Vote.” For questions and/or more information, contact  Muriel Mitchell at 410-461-4717 or email