January 2020
Issue 68
"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties."
Helen Keller
Making Your New Year's Resolutions into Successful Habits
Resolutions —yes nearly everyone has at least one. It is a common tradition, at the end of every year, to make some sort of life-changing resolution for the new year. The problem is how to keep those resolutions.

According to research on the topic, about 60% of us admit that we make New Year’s resolutions but only about 8% of us are successful in achieving them.

The problem, as it turns out, is not the goal of the resolution that is so difficult to reach, but rather the process of getting there. In much of our lives, our actions are not being driven by conscious and deliberate intention but instead by unconscious habits. To be successful, you need to either build a new habit or break an old habit, depending on your goal.

So what is the trick to succeeding with your resolution? Shankar Vedantam, the host of NPR’s Hidden Brain , discussed the process of building a habit with Wendy Wood, a professor of psychology and business at the University of Southern California and expert on building habits.

To learn more, click here .

Your partner in success,

David Cabral
Questions and Answers
I am having problems collecting invoices from some of my clients, can Business Finance Corporation help?
While BFC's staff can help by verifying that invoices are correct or following up on a late payment, we are not a collection agency .

We are proud of the fact that any contact BFC may have with your clients will be with the utmost respect, and in some cases, they may not even know that they are speaking with BFC staff instead of your company. We want your clients to be happy. Happy clients pay their bills.
Featured Charity
Real Talk Youth Impact Program

The mission of Real Talk is to Assist today’s at-risk youth in achieving their highest potential as responsible citizens and future leaders. The program works to initiate behavior change in youth who are pointed in the wrong direction and redirect that energy in a positive manner. This is accomplished through mentoring, education, and guidance.

Each month, Real Talk holds a “Change One” meeting at the Pearson Community Center in North Las Vegas. During these meetings, youth between the ages of 8 and 18, along with their parents are encouraged to talk about problems and given direction on how to make positive changes.

The program was started in 2013 by UNLV alumni, Shree D. Corniel, who spent more than 20-years in law enforcement, 15 years as a U.S. Probation Officer and 5.5 years as a Las Vegas juvenile parole officer.

On February 10, 2020, Real Talk will hold a charity golf tournament at TPC Summerlin. To participate in the tournament or find out how you can support this charity, go to https://realtalkyip.org/ .
Signing Documents in 2020
Typically, when signing and dating a document, you abbreviate the year. However, in 2020, if you were to date a document on February 1, 2020, and wrote it as 2/1/20, you could end up with a legal problem. 

For instance, if you were a landlord renting a property and expecting payments to begin on 2/1/20, a bad actor could easily change that date to 2/1/20 21 and have a year of free rent . More than likely, you would have an original copy of the agreement to prove otherwise but could end up spending time fighting with the tenant and money on legal fees.

Likewise, if you signed a lease agreement on February 1, 2020, and wrote the date as 2/1/20, a bad actor can add additional numbers at the end of the year and claim that you owed payments, along with interest, since 2/1/20 19 .

While it is unlikely that you will run into this problem with the people you deal with regularly, why take the chance. For just this one year, write or type out all four digits of the year as 2020.
Plastic Bag Recycling

DID YOU KNOW, that most of the grocery stores have plastic bag recycling drop-off boxes conveniently located next to the store entrance. Gather up your excess plastic bags and recycle them at the store.

In addition, these stores also accept other thin plastics such as food free plastic wrap and dry cleaner bags.

Many cities and states are now passing legislation that bans the use of plastic grocery bags. However, Nevada is not one of those states and neither are any of the local municipalities.

Republic Services and other recycling companies do not allow plastic bags or other thin plastics in the recycling containers. If you can poke your finger through the plastic they don’t want it because it wraps around the gears and rollers of the recycling equipment causing major repairs and down-time.

An alternative to the plastic bag are reusable bags , which are sold in nearly every store. Even if you purchase more groceries than your reusable bags will hold, you still cut down on the number of plastic bags used .

For more information sustainability and being green, go to " Marketing Your Green Side ," by Craig A. Ruark
6325 S. Jones Blvd, 
Suite 500
Las Vegas, NV 89118

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This newsletter is a production of:
Business Finance Corporation.
David Cabral

Content and Design 
Craig A. Ruark, Freelance Writer

Copyright 2019