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January 2020

New Frontiers for Christian 
Leadership Development  in Myanmar
Tim with SMBS Leadership Committee


In early January, 50 Bible instructors and scholars from most of the major seminaries and colleges in Myanmar came together in Yangon. We met for two days for the first annual meeting of the newly formed Society for Myanmar Biblical Studies (SMBS). I was given the honor and privilege of delivering the keynote address. My paper was entitled, "Responsible Biblical Interpretation: Honoring the Interrelationship between Exegesis, Theology, and Preaching." 

Thomas Cung Bik, Ph.D., president of SMBS and MIT Old Testament professor
The creation of SMBS has been over a year in the making and has come about largely due to the efforts of one of MIT's Old Testament professors, Thomas Cung Bik, the first president of the society, and his enthusiastic leadership committee. (Thomas is pictured to the right.)

From the perspective of Christian leadership development, I am thrilled to do everything  I can to support SMBS, whose goal is to promote biblical scholarship throughout Myanmar. The participants (current and future professors) will be key influences in the training of future pastors, who will serve three and a half to four million Christians in thousands of churches throughout Myanmar. 

2020 is off to a roaring start in all our other ministries here in Myanmar as well. Every day is filled with  teaching, preaching, mentoring, and meeting with key leaders from Myanmar Baptist Convention and Myanmar Institute of Theology. This month, I've been  teaching 175 students each week, in three subjects, New Testament Theology, Homiletics, and the Apostle Paul. Every other Sunday, I'm preaching at my church (New Life International Fellowship), alternating with pastor Hideki Ui as we preach through the book of Philippians (January-March). Saw Newton is busy translating materials into Burmese and Karen. Thane Htut Pan and HtetPaing YeMaung are assisting me in my NT Theology classes. Many others are key partners and collaborators with us as we plan for significant upcoming workshops outside of Yangon.

Thank you for helping to make it possible for our team here to serve Christ and advance the Kingdom of God in so many important ways. If you have not done so already, please join our support team of financial givers and prayer partners. The opportunities keep expanding. We need your help to keep the mission going and growing. Thank you.

In Christ's service,

Rev. Timothy C. Geoffrion, Ph.D., D.D.
President and Teaching Minister
Facebook Comments after the SMBS event :

"Thanks a lot Tim, I felt that I was home in the family with members who share the same concerns and ministry. I felt at home since I entered the room and met with all. Thanks for your great support. hope and pray that you and the foundation will be member, donor and supporter of SMBS for life...Blessings.."
-Eh Tar Gay, Vice President, Myanmar Institute of Theology, New Testament Professor

"You paper is good guide to relate the text to our audience. God bless you more."

"You have inspired us all, a character trait of great leadership!"
-Ronald Dina, President, Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (Yangon)

"Beloved Dr Tim, I am thrilled to hear such a wonderful news.
I am always more than grateful to God for sending you in Myanmar. May the vision and dream of ambitious scholars taking the initiative to come out SMBS remain in history and be "Soli Deo Gloria." 
I am looking forward to participating with you soon!" -Wiliam Bik, former Academic Dean, Chin Christian University (Hakha, Chin State) and current Ph.D. student in New Testament

"Dr. Tim, you are truly a blessing to us! We enjoy working together with you in promoting biblical studies for the extension of God's Kingdom here in Myanmar. May God continue to bless you and use you for God's glory!" - Thomas Cung Bik, Old Testament Professor, Myanmar Institute of Theology

Follow along with the seminarians by watching Tim's New Testament Theology lectures (10-12), corresponding to what Tim has been teaching most recently at MIT!

Week 10
The Gospel of John

Week 11
The Christian Faith in Jewish Context

Week 12
NT Theology amid Persecution

If you want to go back or jump ahead, you can find all the lectures on  Tim's YouTube Channel ! Subscribe for free and you will get notifications of when new content is added. 
Tim's Most Recent Sermon

"What Time is it?"
(18 minutes)
Biblical Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Romans 13:11
Myanmar  Institute of Theology,  Yangon
January 16th, 2020

(58 minutes)
Biblical  Text: Philippians 1:1-11
New Life International Fellowship, Yangon
January, 12th 2020

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