March 2018 

Membership to vote
on authorization of redevelopment of ATS Commission Standards
and Procedures
Ten points to remember about the Board of Commissioners' rationale, work plan, timetable, and comprehensive communications strategy. Read more.

ATS names Elsie Miranda as fifth accreditor
Elsie Miranda will join the ATS staff July 1, 2018, as a director, accreditation and institutional evaluation. She will serve as staff liaison for approximately 20% of member schools. Read more.

Register now for the Centennial Biennial Meeting!
The June 20-21 meeting in Denver will bring together the leaders of member schools for educational programs, Association and Commission business, an Innovation Expo, and a celebration of the Association's Centennial. The ATS Academic Officers' Conference will immediately precede this event.
Register now!

Revenue sources remain steady in ATS member schools
Two decades of data provide an opportunity for schools to benchmark their resources against others in theological education. Read more.

Is Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE) right for your school?
CBTE is gaining traction in higher education, and three ATS member schools have implemented programs that emphasize outcomes over inputs. How might CBTE be customized for your context? What would it take to get started? How might it impact student debt and tuition revenue? How soon might a school hope to break even? As part of the Educational Models and Practices project, 25 theological educators from 10 schools studied CBTE and offer their best thinking on this emerging model. Read the report. 

Archiving, witnessing, and discerning: the task of the theologian today
Faculty blogger Peter Casarella of Notre Dame finds precedent for his complex, apostolic-like career path as a theological educator in the archives of a renowned liberation theologian.  Read more.

150 theological educators celebrate 20th anniversary of ATS Women in Leadership
The three-day event celebrated more than two decades of achievement and charted strategies for the future. Read more.


ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.