Support the Middle School Coffee Shop - Enter Super Bowl Raffle
Our middle-schoolers are working hard to open their coffee shop - a project they’ve had in the works since last school year. In order to help purchase coffee shop supplies, the WMS Middle School has organized the second annual Super Bowl raffle!
To take part in the raffle, you can purchase a square from the 100-square board for $5 in the lobby before school. After all squares have been sold and filled with names (one board was already filled, so there is a second board filling up), students will randomly draw the numbers 0-9 for each team competing in the Super Bowl and place them on the board. If the last digits of the score at the end of the first quarter, halftime, third quarter or game match the numbers of your block, you win! Your prize will be a gift card of your choice in the following amounts:
- First Quarter: $50
- Halftime: $75
- Third Quarter: $50
- Final Score: $125
You do not need to know anything about football to participate in the raffle. Students will send out the completed boards by email prior to the game and notify the winners the Monday after the Super Bowl.
See the image below for an example of the raffle board with a made-up scenario and winners.
Score after First Quarter: 49ers: 12 Chiefs: 3 (Winner: Kyle)
Score at Halftime: 49ers: 15 Chiefs: 15 (Winner: Kelly)
Score after Third Quarter: 49ers: 26 Chiefs: 29 (Winner: Joe)
Final Score: 49ers: 29 Chiefs: 40 (Winner: Ryan)