Volume 4, July 2017
Grassroots  Connection
Welcome! Iowa  Heartland  RC&D is excited to bring to you our new and informative monthly e-newsletter, Grassroots Connection, for important and engaging events you won't want to miss.  We'll feature programs and projects of interest in your area and Central Iowa including snapshots of articles about people making a positive impact.  We'll keep you informed so you can stay connected!
Upcoming Events
There's a lot going on in our Central Iowa area this summer beginning in June for Arts and Culture, habitat restoration, environmental sustainability initiatives, historical landmarks, outdoor recreation, farmers markets and much more! 

It's county fair time in Central Iowa too!   Communities across our region are getting ready to showcase their Fairs with terrific activities that include baking contests, ag and farm related shows and contests, great barbeque edibles, food on a stick,  carnival rides and much more!  Visit www.iowafairs.com for a full listing.

It's All About Being Outdoors!
There's no better time than summer time to get out and enjoy Central Iowa's parks, trails, rivers, streams, rural country side and communities.  Shown here is a picture of a small portion of my farm located in eastern Iowa where 55 acres are currently enrolled in the NRCS Pollinator program.  I love to walk this area and smell the native prairie grasses, wild flowers, and the over abundance of affluent wildlife during all seasons but especially summer.  Look for native prairie plantings in your area and enjoy what Iowa nature can bring to you and your family's enjoyment.

Are you a woman farmland owner managing your farm offsite from an urban location?  Women Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN) would like to contact you and help you learn more about sustainable practices.  A meeting is being held in Des Moines on July 25, 2017.  For more information and to register for the meeting visit:

Support Iowa Heartland RC&D
Consider donating and supporting IHRC&D by going to http://smile.amazon.com.  You shop and Amazon gives!  

Make a lasting gift to support your passion and what's important to you through IHRCD.  With your gift we can help make what you care about a reality for future generations and support new and exciting programs that fit our Mission and goals.  Visit our donation page on our website for more gift giving details and options. IHRCD.ORG.
"Is this Heaven?  No, it's Iowa", from Field of Dreams.  Consider being a part of Iowa Heartland RC&D by joining our Board, committees or volunteering on many of our Central Iowa projects!  For more details on how you can make a difference contact Ann Wolf ann.wolf@IHRCD.ORG 
Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation & Development  |  515-321-9070 | ihrcd@ihrcd.org| ihrcd.org