June 22, 2017
In This Issue
About LE

Lubrication Engineers, Inc. is the one source that you can rely on for all your lubrication reliability needs. We make it easy for you to take care of your company's valuable assets while still growing  the bottom line. A trusted reliability partner to companies all over the world, we manufacture and distribute high-performance lubricants. We also offer a full line of lubrication reliability products and services, including solutions for oil analysis, storage, handling and transfer, contamination exclusion, contamination removal, education and training.

If you're receiving this newsletter as a forward or through our website and would like to be added to our mailing list, sign up here.
Onsite Assistance

Need Onsite, Professional Lubricant Consultation?

Our highly trained lubricant specialists are available to help you with your toughest lubrication reliability challenges.

To contact your local consultant inside or outside the U.S., go to Find Consultant on our website home page or call us at 800-537-7683.

Be sure to ask about our Xpert Equipment Reliability Assessment that is designed to help our customers establish a baseline and benchmarks and to identify opportunities for improvement within their facilities.
Upcoming Events
Rethink Maintenance Roadshows
Contact Kim Johnson for details 
  Registration open
- July 25, Detroit, MI
Registration opening soon
- Aug 22, Baltimore, MD
- Aug 23, Philadelphia, PA
- Sept 19 & 20, Wichita, KS
- Oct 31, Mobile, AL
- Nov 1, New Orleans, LA

Training Classes
Both are at the LE training facility in Wichita, KS.
- Oct. 24-26, with optional certification exam, Oct. 27
- Aug.22-23, with optional certification exam, Aug. 24
Trade Shows
- Oct. 16-19
Kansas City
- Dec. 11-15, 2017
Bonita Springs, FL
LRN Archive
Training & Certification Opportunity
Xpert™ OMA I Class

If you've been thinking of expanding your lubrication knowledge or adding to your industry credentials, we have an opportunity coming soon for you to do so. Our OMA I (Oil Monitoring Analyst Level I) class is this Aug. 22-23, with optional certification exam on Aug 24. The class will be at our training facility in Wichita, Kan.

You will experience many benefits by attending this class, including:
  • Advance the oil analysis knowledge and expertise of your reliability team
  • Enhance your facility's lubrication process and equipment reliability routine by better understanding fundamentals of oil analysis
  • Increase profits by increasing efficiency and reducing labor and downtime, all while protecting machinery

Call 316-529-6812 or email me with any questions.

Kim Johnson
Trade Show & Training Services Manager
Convenient Online Store


Whether you are new to our company or a long-time valued customer, our convenient online store makes it easier to order LE products.

To view our prices and order products online, you first need to register (you only have to do this one time). To do so, just click here or on the image above and create your account. Registration can take up to 48 hours for approval.
New Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluid
LE's New Product Recommended for Demanding Applications

LE's new Firesafe™ PoE Hydraulic Fluid (9455) is an FM Approved® fire-resistant product recommended for use in steel mills, foundries, mining, glass manufacturing, and other demanding applications where the possibility exists for the fluid to come in contact with an ignition source or where operating temperatures could exceed the fire point of a standard hydraulic fluid.

Lubrication of Enclosed Gears
Techni-Tips 100: Gears & Gear Lubrication

Modern gears are performing heavier work and carrying greater loads than ever before. Gear manufacturers are redesigning, modernizing and using finer steels to produce precision gears that will give better performance. Production demands are forcing the user to raise production above rated machine capacity. Many times this is done deliberately, with the knowledge that gear life will be reduced, but that the increased cost will be offset by increased production.

In the automotive, aviation and marine areas, as well as in industry, there is an increasing demand for more power in smaller packages. Gears are used to transmit this power and the same squeeze is on the gearbox, so a means must be found for increasing the load capacity of gears.

Lubricant manufacturers have helped in addressing this need by developing better gear oils to help safely carry these increased loads. Lubrication Engineers continues - with extensive research and testing programs - to produce tougher lubricants to stay ahead of the increasing demands of industry.

Uptime Hero: Air Compressor
LE's Current Ad Campaign

Meet the Air Compressor
that Went 30,000 hours 
with the Same Oil

Have you seen our current print ad with the theme of "Uptime Hero"? It has been appearing in a variety of publications, including Uptime and Machinery Lubrication magazines.


Air Compressor T estimonial

Our Uptime Hero Air Compressor Ad is based on the testimonial available here, which details how LE implemented changes to its oil analysis program and was able to safely triple its drains on its air compressor, saving significantly on lubricant, labor and downtime.