Financial Health company Brightside expanding in Chandler

The City of Chandler is pleased to welcome Brightside to the local business community. Brightside is a new employer benefit that provides a company's employees with one place to go for all their financial needs, providing personalized, unbiased assistance and solutions.

Brightside reduces financial stress for employees through its "Financial Assistants" who engage employees, establish trusting relationships and provide customized support, as well as unbiased access to financial products that save them money. Brightside's team of financial assistants, software engineers, and artificial intelligence (AI) experts are located in Downtown Chandler.

"Brightside reduces the financial stress that drives huge productivity losses and healthcare costs for employers, while efficiently giving employees a significant net pay increase," said Petrina Thompson, head of operations for Brightside. 

Brightside's innovation includes an advanced technology platform utilizing a proprietary data platform and rules engine, a mobile app and a client relationship management application empowering their financial assistants to deliver personalized options.

"We are pleased to welcome an innovative company like Brightside to Chandler, the Innovation and Technology Hub of the Southwest," said Mayor Jay Tibshraeny. "We look forward to the company's continued success and to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with the Brightside team."
"We are incredibly proud to be part of the City of Chandler community," said Brightside Co-Founder & CTO Jacky Chiu. "Chandler is rich with diverse talent that gives us the opportunity to create a service people love. In addition, Downtown Chandler provides a great work environment and quality of life for our team."

Brightside was founded in 2017, has 25 employees and expects to double in size in Chandler over the next 12 months. Brightside is funded by Comcast Ventures and Trinity Ventures. For more information, visit
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City Council
Study Session
August 6, 2018
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council
Regular Meeting
August 9, 2018
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers