Cryocooling Upgrade at UCSF - Upcoming Events for SMX and Cryo-EM - Call for Proposals - Jobs Openings - Scholarships

NANUQ™ Installation
Macromolecular Structure Group at UCSF Takes Delivery of a MiTeGen NANUQ™ Advanced Cryocooling Device
January 22nd, 2020 -

The Macromolecular Structure Group (MSG) at UCSF took delivery of a MiTeGen NANUQ™ advanced cryocooling device.

With the NANUQ™ installed at their central facility, users at UCSF now have access to a system that allows for advanced crystal cryocooling.

Utilizing automated cryo-plunging, combined with cold-gas layer removal, NANUQ™ :

• improves cooling rates
• eliminates variability,
• preserves crystal quality
• and provides users with complete control of their sample prep.
(NANUQ™ Installed at UCSF MSG)
Want to try your crystals on NANUQ ?
Your lab can now see the impact cryocooling has on your diffraction quality. Don't let your lab miss out on getting better diffraction.
Upcoming Events
At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous educational events, conferences, and symposiums throughout the year. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you should try to attend!

The LACA school is designed for students and professionals that wish to learn or improve their knowledge of the theory behind single crystal X-Ray diffraction. The program includes a wide range of topics spanning from symmetry via the theory of the diffraction phenomena to data processing and crystal structure solution and refinement. Registration is now closed, but support is still welcomed. We are sponsoring this event.

March 23rd to 29th
UNAM Main Campus, Mexico City

The 2020 Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy (3DEm) GRC will feature scientific talks presenting state-of-the-art aspects of Cryo-EM research. Includes a keynote session on the future impact of 3DEm on structural biology. As well as numerous discussions ranging from Sample Preparation and Workflows to CryoEM in Drug Discovery. " We are sponsoring this event.

June 21st to 26th
Castelldefels, Spain
Highly Cited Products
Did you know our MiTeGen Products have been included in over 3800 publications? Knowing a product has been successfully used by other researchers provides you with a frame of reference for selecting that product.

For our example our MiTeGen MicroRT products, which are used in room temperature sample screening, have been included in over 160 publications.
You Might Be Interested
At MiTeGen, one of our philosophies is to be a source of useful information to our customer, partners and readers. With this in mind we are sharing a few resources you might find valuable.

The HHMI Investigator Program supports more than 250 Investigators, located at more than 60 research institutions across the United States, who are widely known for their scientific discoveries, their innovation, and their success in pushing the bounds of knowledge in biomedical research.

Deadline to apply is March 18th, 2020.

CERIC call for proposals for access to integrated multidisciplinary facilities for Materials and Biomaterials. Ceric offers access through a single entry point to more than 50 different and complementary state of the art techniques and support laboratories, distributed in 8 countries, with the submission of single or multi-technique proposals.

Submission deadline is March 2nd, 2020
Recently Updated Product Category
We have updated and improved our Beamline and Home Source Tools product category. Discover the tools you need to improve data collection methods at X-ray beamlines and home sources.

Industry Job Openings

The Living Systems Institute (LSI) at the University of Exeter is seeking to "recruit a new full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate to study the structure and function of archaeal and bacterial S-layers. This ERC funded 3 year position is available immediately and will be based in the laboratory of Dr. Bertram Daum."

Deadline is March 12th.

The laboratory “Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques” in Marseille is seeking a structural biologist to manage the electron microscopy instrument-tation and contribute to structural biology research projects in collaboration with local and external researchers.

Deadline is March 15th.
Scholarships and Work Opportunities for Students
Do you know a student searching for a scholarship or hands on scientific experience? Then please share the opportunities listed below with them

The International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) offers the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Fund. Its purpose is to encourage promising graduate students to pursue crystallography.

Applications for the year 2021 awards will open on August 3rd 2020

Beamline for schools is organized by CERN and allows high school students from around the world to take part in hands-on scientific experiments on-site at DESY.

Application Deadline is March 31st 2020
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